

1. anlamı i. seçimde oylar; oy sayısı; gayri resmi anket; (eski) baş, kafa, kelle. poll tax oy kullanabilmek için ödenen bir vergi; şahıs başına ödenen bir vergi. the polls seçim; seçim sandığı, gayri resmi anketler. ,anket/liste/oylama,xyz buda/sor/al/oy.
2. anlamı seçim. oylama. oy verme. oy sayısı. komuoyu yoklaması. oy almak. oy vermek.


Poll İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Poll anlamları

  1. (noun) Specifically, the register of the names of electors who may vote in an election.
  2. (noun) The casting or recording of the votes of registered electors; as, the close of the poll.
  3. (v. t.) To extort from; to plunder; to strip.
  4. (noun) A parrot; -- familiarly so called.
  5. (v. t.) To pay as one's personal tax.
  6. (v. t.) To register or deposit, as a vote; to elicit or call forth, as votes or voters; as, he polled a hundred votes more than his opponent.
  7. (noun) The place where the votes are cast or recorded; as, to go to the polls.
  8. (v. t.) To cut off; to remove by clipping, shearing, etc.; to mow or crop; -- sometimes with off; as, to poll the hair; to poll wool; to poll grass.
  9. (v. i.) To vote at an election.
  10. (v. t.) To impose a tax upon.
  11. (v. t.) To remove the poll or head of; hence, to remove the top or end of; to clip; to lop; to shear; as, to poll the head; to poll a tree.
  12. (v. t.) To cut or shave smooth or even; to cut in a straight line without indentation; as, a polled deed. See Dee/ poll.
  13. (v. t.) To enter, as polls or persons, in a list or register; to enroll, esp. for purposes of taxation; to enumerate one by one.
  14. (noun) The head; the back part of the head.
  15. (noun) The European chub. See Pollard, 3 (a).
  16. (noun) A number or aggregate of heads; a list or register of heads or individuals.
  17. (noun) The broad end of a hammer; the but of an ax.
  18. (noun) One who does not try for honors, but is content to take a degree merely; a passman.

Poll tanım:

Kelime: poll
Söyleniş: 'pOl
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English pol, polle, from Middle Low German
1 : HEAD
2 a : the top or back of the head b : NAPE
3 : the broad or flat end of a striking tool (as a hammer)
4 a (1) : the casting or recording of the votes of a body of persons (2) : a counting of votes cast b : the place where votes are cast or recorded -- usually used in plural at the polls c : the period of time during which votes may be cast at an election d : the total number of votes recorded a heavy poll
5 a : a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed b : a record of the information so obtained

Poll ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Canvas, Canvass, Crown, Pate, Pollard,


İngilizce Poll kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. sondeo, censo, consulta, encuesta, escrutinio, muestreo de opinión, urnas; votación; cotillo; captación v. encuestar, empadronar, hacer un escrutinio de; dar el voto; desmochar v. Votación, elección; podar (copa de árbol); cortar (cuernos)


İngilizce Poll kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. scrutin; questionnaire; liste des électeurs; comptage de voix (des électeurs); nombre de voix (des électeurs) v. interroger, questionner, sonder;voter; compter les voix; mettre en place un questionnaire v. élaguer (d'une cime); tailler (des cornes)


İngilizce Poll kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Abstimmung; Wahlen; Wahl; Wahlergebnis; Umfrage v. abstimmen; wählen; erforschen; befragen; erhalten v. Wipfel beschneiden


İngilizce Poll kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. votazione; scrutinio; giorni di votazione; voti; numero dei votanti, numero degli elettori; lista elettorale; sondaggio, indagine, inchiesta v. ottenere, avere; sondare, indagare; registrare


İngilizce Poll kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. apuração de votos (na eleições), lista eleitoral; voto; nomeação (nas eleições); plebiscito v. nomear; votar; contar os votos (nas eleições), fazer plebiscito v. podar (copa de árvore); retirar chifres


f. kesmek, boynuzunu kesmek, tepesini kesmek, budamak, oy vermek, oy toplamak, kamuoyu yoklaması yapmak, halkın nabzını yoklamak, anket yapmak i. kafa, kelle, kişi, seçmen, seçim, oy verme, oy sayısı, seçmen listesi, oyların sayımı, seçim yeri, anket, boynuzsuz sığır, kamuoyu yoklaması, boynuzu kesilmiş sığır s. boynuzsuz, boynuzu kesilmiş


İngilizce Poll kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. hoofd, kop, nek, ongehoord rund, kiezerslijst, stembus, stembureau ww. toppen, knotten, horen : de horens afsnijden, stemmen : laten stemmen, stem : zijn stem uitbrengen op


n. voting, electing; list of voters; counting of votes; number of votes; referendum v. receive votes; vote, elect; count votes, make a survey v. trim tree branches, prune a tree; cut off the horns of an animal