
Premium Haritası


1. anlamı i. prim; (satışta) hediye; sigorta ücreti; bir şeye itibari değerinden fazla olarak verilen fiyat; hisse senetleri veya paranın mübadele farkı; değer; yarışmada verilen ödül. at a premium fazla fiyatla, itibari değeri üstünde; çok rağbette, çok.
2. anlamı sigorta primi. ödül. prim.


Premium İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Premium anlamları

  1. (noun) A sum of money paid to underwriters for insurance, or for undertaking to indemnify for losses of any kind.
  2. (noun) A reward or recompense; a prize to be won by being before another, or others, in a competition; reward or prize to be adjudged; a bounty; as, a premium for good behavior or scholarship, for discoveries, etc.
  3. (noun) A sum in advance of, or in addition to, the nominal or par value of anything; as, gold was at a premium; he sold his stock at a premium.
  4. (noun) Something offered or given for the loan of money; bonus; -- sometimes synonymous with interest, but generally signifying a sum in addition to the capital.

Premium tanım:

Kelime: pre·mi·um
Söyleniş: 'prE-mE-&m
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Latin praemium booty, profit, reward, from prae- emere to take, buy -- more at REDEEM
1 a : a reward or recompense for a particular act b : a sum over and above a regular price paid chiefly as an inducement or incentive c : a sum in advance of or in addition to the nominal value of something bonds callable at a premium of six percent d : something given free or at a reduced price with the purchase of a product or service
2 : the consideration paid for a contract of insurance
3 : a high value or a value in excess of that normally or usually expected put a premium on accuracy

Premium ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Agio, Agiotage, Bounty,

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