

1. anlamı bir anlaşmaya ilâve edilen madde; zabıt varakası, protokol, tutanak; i, protokol, diplomatik işlerde kullanılan resmi usuller, teşrifat; protokôl, protokol yap.
2. anlamı protokol. tutanak.


Protocol İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Protocol anlamları

  1. (noun) An agreement of diplomatists indicating the results reached by them at a particular stage of a negotiation.
  2. (noun) The original copy of any writing, as of a deed, treaty, dispatch, or other instrument.
  3. (noun) The minutes, or rough draught, of an instrument or transaction.
  4. (v. i.) To make or write protocols, or first draughts; to issue protocols.
  5. (noun) A convention not formally ratified.
  6. (noun) A preliminary document upon the basis of which negotiations are carried on.
  7. (v. t.) To make a protocol of.

Protocol tanım:

Kelime: pro·to·col
Söyleniş: 'prO-t&-"kol, -"kOl, -"käl, -k&l
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle French prothocole, from Medieval Latin protocollum, from Late Greek prOtokollon first sheet of a papyrus roll bearing data of manufacture, from Greek prOt- prot- kollan to glue together, from kolla glue; perhaps akin to Middle Dutch helen to glue
1 : an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction
2 a : a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty b : the records or minutes of a diplomatic conference or congress that show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators
3 a : a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence (as in diplomatic exchange and in the military services) b : a set of conventions governing the treatment and especially the formatting of data in an electronic communications system
4 : a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure


İngilizce Protocol kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. protocolo (tamb. en inform.); estatuto; protocolo (inform.), estándar que maneja la transmisión de datos


İngilizce Protocol kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. protocole, recueil de règles; règlement; registre des décisions d'une assemblée ; protocole, norme de traitement et de transmission de données (informatique)


İngilizce Protocol kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Protokoll, (Comput) ein Standard nach dem sich die Kommunikation und der Datenaustausch zwischen verschiedenen Rechnern richten


İngilizce Protocol kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. protocollo (anche inform.); memoria di fatti; codice; (inform.) protocollo, norma che si occupa del trasferimento di dati


İngilizce Protocol kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. protocolo (também em informática); lembranças de acontecimentos; regulamento de comportamento; (informática) protocolo, norma que trata da transferências dos dados


f. protokol yapmak, tutanağa kaydetmek i. protokol, resmi nezaket kuralları, tutanak


Flemenkçe Protocol kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. protocol, minutes


İngilizce Protocol kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. protocol, bekeuring, proces-verbaal, notulen


n. method of dealing with a certain subject; draft of a treaty; rules of behavior; memorandum, original record of a document; standard for dealing with data transfer (Computers) n. protocol, minutes


Flemenkçe Protocol kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(algemeen) protocole (m)

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