Purana İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Purana anlamları
- (noun) One of a class of sacred Hindoo poetical works in the Sanskrit language which treat of the creation, destruction, and renovation of worlds, the genealogy and achievements of gods and heroes, the reigns of the Manus, and the transactions of their descendants. The principal Puranas are eighteen in number, and there are the same number of supplementary books called Upa Puranas.
Purana tanım:
Kelime: Pu·ra·na
Söyleniş: pu-'rä-n&
İşlev: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Kökeni: Skt purAna, from purAna ancient, from purA formerly; akin to Sanskrit pura before, Greek para beside, pro before -- more at FOR
: one of a class of Hindu sacred writings chiefly from A.D. 300 to A.D. 750 comprising popular myths and legends and other traditional lore
- Pu·ra·nic