

1. anlamı cüce, Pigme/cüce, pigmy s, Pigme/cüce.
2. anlamı pigme. cüce.


Pygmy İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Pygmy anlamları

  1. (noun) One of a race of Central African Negritos found chiefly in the great forests of the equatorial belt. THey are the shortest of known races, the adults ranging from less than four to about five feet in stature. They are timid and shy, dwelling in the recesses of the forests, though often on good terms with neighboring Negroes.
  2. (a.) Alt. of Pygmean
  3. (noun) Hence, a short, insignificant person; a dwarf.
  4. (noun) One of a fabulous race of dwarfs who waged war with the cranes, and were destroyed.

Pygmy tanım:

Kelime: pyg·my
Söyleniş: 'pig-mE
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural pygmies
Kökeni: Middle English pigmei, from Latin pygmaeus of a pygmy, dwarfish, from Greek pygmaios, from pygmE fist, measure of length -- more at PUNGENT
1 often capitalized : any of a race of dwarfs described by ancient Greek authors
2 capitalized : any of a small people of equatorial Africa ranging under five feet (1.5 meters) in height
3 a : a short insignificant person : DWARF b : something very small of its kind
- pygmy adjective

Pygmy ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler



İngilizce Pygmy kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. pigmeo
adj. enano, pigmeo


İngilizce Pygmy kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. pygmée ( pygmer)
adj. pygmentation; très petit


İngilizce Pygmy kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Pygmäe
adj. pygmäisch


İngilizce Pygmy kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. (Etnol) pigmeo
agg. dei pigmei; nano, pigmeo


İngilizce Pygmy kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. pigmeu; anão
adj. pigmeu, pequeníssimo, miniatura


i. cüce, küçük insan, pigme
s. pigmelere ait, pigme gibi, cüce


İngilizce Pygmy kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. pygmee


n. unusually small person, dwarf; anything that is unusually small for its kind
adj. dwarfish, midget; miniature, tiny; very small