1. anlamı ırza tecavüz; çok sevindirmek, esritmek; ırzına tecavüz etmek; eski zorla kapıp götü tecavüz et/zorla al; kendinden geçme, eski zorla kapıp götürmek, gasp etravishment esrime. 2. anlamı ırzına geçmek. zevk vermek. esretmek.
Ravish İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Ravish anlamları
(v. t.) To seize and carry away by violence; to snatch by force.
(v. t.) To transport with joy or delight; to delight to ecstasy.
(v. t.) To have carnal knowledge of (a woman) by force, and against her consent; to rape.
Ravish tanım:
Kelime: rav·ish Söyleniş:'ra-vish İşlev:transitive verb Kökeni: Middle English ravisshen, from Middle French raviss-, stem of ravir, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin rapire, alteration of Latin rapere to seize, rob -- more at RAPID 1 a : to seize and take away by violence b : to overcome with emotion (as joy or delight) ravished by the scenic beauty c: RAPE 2 2: PLUNDER, ROB - rav·ish·ernoun - rav·ish·ment /-m&nt/ noun