

1. anlamı acıyıp merhamet göster yumuşa; yumuşamak.
2. anlamı yumuşamak. acıyıp merhamete gelmek. gevşemek.


Relent İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Relent anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To mollify ; to cause to be less harsh or severe.
  2. (v. t.) To slacken; to abate.
  3. (noun) Stay; stop; delay.
  4. (v. i.) To become less severe or intense; to become less hard, harsh, cruel, or the like; to soften in temper; to become more mild and tender; to feel compassion.
  5. (v. t.) To soften; to dissolve.
  6. (v. i.) To become less rigid or hard; to yield; to dissolve; to melt; to deliquesce.

Relent tanım:

Kelime: re-
İşlev: prefix
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin re-, red- back, again, against
1 : again : anew retell
2 : back : backward recall
re·ac·cel·er·ate re·ac·cept re·ac·ces·sion re·ac·cli·ma·tize re·ac·cred·it re·ac·cred·i·ta·tion re·ac·quaint re·ac·quire re·ac·qui·si·tion re·ac·ti·vate re·ac·ti·va·tion re·ad·dress re·ad·just re·ad·just·ment re·ad·mis·sion re·ad·mit re·adopt re·af·firm re·af·fir·ma·tion re·af·fix re·al·lo·cate re·al·lo·ca·tion re·anal·y·sis re·an·a·lyze re·an·i·mate re·an·i·ma·tion re·an·nex re·an·nex·a·tion re·ap·pear re·ap·pear·ance re·ap·pli·ca·tion re·ap·ply re·ap·point re·ap·point·ment re·ap·prais·al re·ap·praise re·ap·pro·pri·ate re·ap·prove re·ar·gue re·ar·gu·ment re·arous·al re·arouse re·ar·range re·ar·range·ment re·ar·rest re·ar·tic·u·late re·as·cend re·as·cent re·as·sem·blage re·as·sem·ble re·as·sem·bly re·as·sert re·as·ser·tion re·as·sess re·as·sess·ment re·as·sign re·as·sign·ment re·as·sume re·at·tach re·at·tach·ment re·at·tain re·at·tempt re·at·tri·bute re·at·tri·bu·tion re·au·tho·ri·za·tion re·au·tho·rize re·awak·en re·bait re·bal·ance re·bap·tism re·bap·tize re·be·gin re·bid re·bind re·blend re·bloom re·board re·boil re·book re·boot re·bore re·bot·tle re·breed re·buri·al re·bury re·buy re·cal·cu·late re·cal·cu·la·tion re·cal·i·brate re·cal·i·bra·tion re·cen·tral·i·za·tion re·cen·tri·fuge re·cer·ti·fi·ca·tion re·cer·ti·fy re·chal·lenge re·chan·nel re·char·ter re·check re·cho·reo·graph re·chris·ten re-Chris·tian·ize re·chro·mato·graph re·chro·ma·tog·ra·phy re·cir·cu·late re·cir·cu·la·tion re·clad re·clas·si·fi·ca·tion re·clas·si·fy re·clothe re·cock re·cod·i·fi·ca·tion re·cod·i·fy re·col·o·ni·za·tion re·col·o·nize re·col·or re·com·bine re·com·mence re·com·mence·ment re·com·mis·sion re·com·pi·la·tion re·com·pile re·com·pu·ta·tion re·com·pute re·con·ceive re·con·cen·trate re·con·cen·tra·tion re·con·cep·tion re·con·cep·tu·al·i·za·tion re·con·cep·tu·al·ize re·con·dense re·con·fig·u·ra·tion re·con·fig·ure re·con·nect re·con·nec·tion re·con·quer re·con·quest re·con·se·crate re·con·se·cra·tion re·con·sol·i·date re·con·tact re·con·tam·i·nate re·con·tam·i·na·tion re·con·tex·tu·al·ize re·con·tour re·con·vene
re·con·ver·sion re·con·vert re·con·vict re·con·vic·tion re·con·vince re·copy re·cork re·cross re·cul·ti·vate re·date re·ded·i·cate re·ded·i·ca·tion re·de·fect re·de·liv·er re·de·liv·ery re·de·pos·it re·de·ter·mi·na·tion re·de·ter·mine re·di·ges·tion re·dis·cov·er re·dis·cov·ery re·dis·cuss re·dis·play re·dis·pose re·dis·po·si·tion re·dis·solve re·dis·till re·dis·til·la·tion re·di·vide re·di·vi·sion re·don re·draft re·draw re·dream re·drill re·dub re·el·i·gi·bil·i·ty re·el·i·gi·ble re·emerge re·emer·gence re·emis·sion re·emit re·em·pha·sis re·em·pha·size re·em·ploy re·em·ploy·ment re·en·coun·ter re·en·dow re·en·er·gize re·en·gage re·en·gage·ment re·en·gi·neer re·en·grave re·en·list re·en·list·ment re·en·roll re·en·throne re·equip re·equip·ment re·erect re·es·ca·late re·es·ca·la·tion re·es·tab·lish re·es·tab·lish·ment re·es·ti·mate re·eval·u·ate re·eval·u·a·tion re·ex·am·i·na·tion re·ex·am·ine re·ex·pe·ri·ence re·ex·plore re·ex·port re·ex·por·ta·tion re·ex·pose re·ex·po·sure re·ex·press re·face re·feed re·feel re·fence re·fight re·fig·ure re·file re·find re·fire re·fix re·float re·fold re·forge re·for·mat re·for·mu·late re·for·mu·la·tion re·for·ti·fi·ca·tion re·for·ti·fy re·found re·foun·da·tion re·frame re·freeze re·fry re·fur·nish re·gain re·gath·er re·gear re·gild re·give re·glaze re·grade re·graft re·grant re·green re·grind re·groom re·groove re·growth re·han·dle re·hang re·heat re·hinge re·hire re·hos·pi·tal·i·za·tion re·hos·pi·tal·ize re·hu·man·ize re·hyp·no·tize re·iden·ti·fy re·ig·nite re·ig·ni·tion re·im·age re·im·merse re·im·plant re·im·plan·ta·tion re·im·port re·im·por·ta·tion re·im·pose re·im·po·si·tion re·in·cor·po·rate re·in·cor·po·ra·tion re·in·dict re·in·dict·ment re·in·fes·ta·tion re·in·flate re·in·fla·tion re·in·hab·it re·ini·tiate re·in·ject re·in·jec·tion re·in·jure re·in·ju·ry re·ink re·in·ner·vate re·in·ner·va·tion re·in·oc·u·late re·in·oc·u·la·tion re·in·sert re·in·ser·tion re·in·spect re·in·spec·tion re·in·spire re·in·stall re·in·stal·la·tion re·in·sti·tute re·in·sti·tu·tion·al·i·za·tion re·in·ter
re·in·ter·view re·in·tro·duce re·in·tro·duc·tion re·in·vade re·in·va·sion re·in·ves·ti·gate re·in·ves·ti·ga·tion re·in·vig·o·rate re·in·vig·o·ra·tion re·in·vig·o·ra·tor re·jack·et re·judge re·jug·gle re·key re·key·board re·kin·dle re·knit re·la·bel re·lac·quer re·land·scape re·launch re·learn re·lend re·li·cense re·li·cen·sure re·light re·link re·liq·ue·fy re·load re·lock re·look re·lu·bri·cate re·lu·bri·ca·tion re·mar·ket re·mar·riage re·mar·ry re·mate re·ma·te·ri·al·ize re·mea·sure re·mea·sure·ment re·meet re·melt re·merge re·mi·gra·tion re·mil·i·ta·ri·za·tion re·mil·i·ta·rize re·mix re·mo·bi·li·za·tion re·mo·bi·lize re·moist·en re·mold re·mon·e·ti·za·tion re·mon·e·tize re·mo·ti·vate re·mo·ti·va·tion re·my·thol·o·gize re·nail re·name re·na·tion·al·i·za·tion re·na·tion·al·ize re·nest re·num·ber re·ob·serve re·oc·cu·pa·tion re·oc·cu·py re·oc·cur re·oc·cur·rence re·oil re·op·er·ate re·op·er·a·tion re·or·ches·trate re·or·ches·tra·tion re·ori·ent re·ori·en·tate re·ori·en·ta·tion re·out·fit re·ox·i·da·tion re·ox·i·dize re·pack re·paint re·park re·patch re·pat·tern re·pave re·peg re·peo·ple re·pho·to·graph re·phrase re·plan re·plas·ter re·plate re·pledge re·plot re·plumb re·pol·ish re·poll re·pop·u·lar·ize re·pop·u·late re·pop·u·la·tion re·pot re·pres·sur·ize re·price re·pri·vat·i·za·tion re·pri·vat·ize re·pro·vi·sion re·pump re·punc·tu·a·tion re·pur·chase re·pu·ri·fy re·rack re·raise re·read re·read·ing re·re·cord re·reg·is·ter re·reg·is·tra·tion re·reg·u·late re·reg·u·la·tion re·re·lease re·re·mind re·re·peat re·re·view re·rig re·roof re·route re·sail re·sam·ple re·saw re·school re·score re·screen re·sculpt re·seal re·seal·able re·sea·son re·seat re·se·cure re·see re·seg·re·gate re·seg·re·ga·tion re·sell re·sell·er re·sen·si·tize re·sen·tence re·ser·vice re·set·tle re·set·tle·ment re·sew re·shin·gle re·shoe re·shoot re·show re·sight re·sil·ver re·site re·size re·slate re·soak re·so·cial·i·za·tion re·so·cial·ize re·sod re·sol·der re·sole re·so·lid·i·fi·ca·tion re·so·lid·i·fy re·sow re·spir·i·tu·al·ize re·spot re·spray re·sprout re·sta·bi·lize
re·stack re·stage re·stamp re·stim·u·late re·stim·u·la·tion re·stock re·stoke re·strength·en re·stress re·study re·stuff re·style re·sub·mis·sion re·sub·mit re·sum·mon re·sup·ply re·sur·vey re·syn·the·sis re·syn·the·size re·sys·tem·a·tize re·tack·le re·tag re·tar·get re·taste re·teach re·team re·test re·tex·ture re·thread re·tie re·tight·en re·tile re·time re·trace re·trans·fer re·trans·form re·trans·for·ma·tion re·trans·mis·sion re·trans·mit re·try re·tune re·type re·uni·fy re·uni·fi·ca·tion re·up·hol·ster re·uti·li·za·tion re·uti·lize re·vac·ci·nate re·vac·ci·na·tion re·val·i·date re·val·i·da·tion re·val·o·ri·za·tion re·val·o·rize re·vict·ual re·vi·su·al·i·za·tion re·vote re·warm re·wash re·weave re·weigh re·wet re·wire re·wrap re·zone

Relent ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Soften, Yield,

Relent ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler



İngilizce Relent kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
v. ablandarse, aflojar, aplacarse, cejar


İngilizce Relent kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
v. inspirer de la pitié; se laisser fléchir


İngilizce Relent kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. mitleidig werden; sich erweichen lassen; besser werden (Wetter)


İngilizce Relent kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
v. addolcirsi, lasciarsi commuovere; calmarsi, placarsi, attenuarsi


İngilizce Relent kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
v. demonstrar piedade


f. yumuşamak, acımak, merhamet etmek, insafa gelmek


Fransızca Relent kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(m) n. reek, stink, stench, trace


İngilizce Relent kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
ww. zich laten vermurwen, medelijden krijgen, toegeven


v. show mercy, be compassionate; become less severe, abate
n. reek, stink, stench, trace


Fransızca Relent kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
(sentir) stank (m)


Fransızca Relent kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
(sentir) puzzo (m); fetore (m)


Fransızca Relent kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
(sentir) fedor (m); catinga (f) {informal}


Fransızca Relent kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
(sentir) hedor (m); vaho (m){informal}; tufo (m){informal}


Fransızca Relent kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
[le] sinmiş koku, pis koku; iz