
Reserve Haritası


1. anlamı ilerisi için saklamak, ihtiyaten saklamak; ayır, hakkını muhafaza et, yedek/rezerv.
2. anlamı yedek. stok. ihtiyat. fon. korumaya alınmış arazi. ön koşul. şart. rezerv. kaynak. çekingenlik. ayırmak. tutmak. ayırtmak. rezerve ettirmek. hakkı saklı tutmak. ertelemek. sonraya bırakmak. saklamak. korumak. tahsis etmek. belirli bir amaç için ayrılmış a.


Reserve İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Reserve anlamları

  1. (noun) In exhibitions, a distinction which indicates that the recipient will get a prize if another should be disqualified.
  2. (noun) That part of the assets of a bank or other financial institution specially kept in cash in a more or less liquid form as a reasonable provision for meeting all demands which may be made upon it;
  3. (noun) The amount of funds or assets necessary for a company to have at any given time to enable it, with interest and premiums paid as they shall accure, to meet all claims on the insurance then in force as they would mature according to the particular mortality table accepted. The reserve is always reckoned as a liability, and is calculated on net premiums. It is theoretically the difference between the present value of the total insurance and the present value of the future premiums on the insurance. The reserve, being an amount for which another company could, theoretically, afford to take over the insurance, is sometimes called the reinsurance fund or the self-insurance fund. For the first year upon any policy the net premium is called the initial reserve, and the balance left at the end of the year including interest is the terminal reserve. For subsequent years the initial reserve is the net premium, if any, plus the terminal reserve of the previous year. The portion of the reserve to be absorbed from the initial reserve in any year in payment of losses is sometimes called the insurance reserve, and the terminal reserve is then called the investment reserve.
  4. (noun) Usually, the uninvested cash kept on hand for this purpose, called the real reserve. In Great Britain the ultimate real reserve is the gold kept on hand in the Bank of England, largely represented by the notes in hand in its own banking department; and any balance which a bank has with the Bank of England is a part of its reserve. In the United States the reserve of a national bank consists of the amount of lawful money it holds on hand against deposits, which is required by law to be not less than 15 per cent (U. S. Rev. Stat. secs. 5191, 5192), three fifths of which the banks not in a reserve city (which see) may keep deposited as balances in national banks that are in reserve cities (U. S. Rev. Stat. sec. 5192).
  5. (noun) A resist.
  6. (noun) See Army organization, above.
  7. (noun) A preparation used on an object being electroplated to fix the limits of the deposit.
  8. (noun) Funds kept on hand to meet liabilities.
  9. (noun) A body of troops in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency.
  10. (v. t.) Hence, to keep in store for future or special use; to withhold from present use for another purpose or time; to keep; to retain.
  11. (noun) That which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use.
  12. (v. t.) To make an exception of; to except.
  13. (noun) Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior.
  14. (noun) That which is excepted; exception.
  15. (v. t.) To keep back; to retain; not to deliver, make over, or disclose.
  16. (noun) A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose; as, the Connecticut Reserve in Ohio, originally set apart for the school fund of Connecticut; the Clergy Reserves in Canada, for the support of the clergy.
  17. (noun) The act of reserving, or keeping back; reservation.

Reserve tanım:

Kelime: re·serve
Söyleniş: ri-'z&rv
İşlev: transitive verb
Türleri: re·served; re·serv·ing
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French reserver, from Latin reservare, literally, to keep back, from re- servare to keep -- more at CONSERVE
1 a : to hold in reserve : keep back reserve grain for seed b : to set aside (part of the consecrated elements) at the Eucharist for future use c : to retain or hold over to a future time or place : DEFER reserve one's judgment on a plan d : to make legal reservation of
2 : to set or have set aside or apart reserve a hotel room
synonym see KEEP
- re·serv·able /-'z&r-v&-b&l/ adjective

Reserve ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Allow, Appropriate, Backlog, Book, Earmark, Hold, Inactive, Modesty, Reservation, Retain, Reticence, Spare, Substitute, Taciturnity,

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