

1. anlamı aksi olarak, bilâkis, terslik yareverse curve "S" şeklinde demiryolu hattı dönemreverse frame ters poreverse side ters tareverse turn ters tarafa dönüş reverselytersine; arka, aksi, ters, tersine dönmüş; diğer tar.
2. anlamı ters çevrilmiş.


Reversed İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Reversed anlamları

  1. (imp. & p. p.) of Reverse
  2. (a.) Annulled and the contrary substituted; as, a reversed judgment or decree.
  3. (a.) Turned side for side, or end for end; changed to the contrary; specifically (Bot. & Zool.), sinistrorse or sinistral; as, a reversed, or sinistral, spiral or shell.

Reversed tanım:

Kelime: 2reverse
İşlev: verb
Türleri: re·versed; re·vers·ing
transitive senses
1 a : to turn completely about in position or direction b : to turn upside down : INVERT
2 : ANNUL: as a : to overthrow, set aside, or make void (a legal decision) by a contrary decision b : to cause to take an opposite point of view c : to change to the contrary reverse a policy
3 : to cause to go in the opposite direction; especially : to cause (as an engine) to perform its action in the opposite direction
intransitive senses
1 : to turn or move in the opposite direction
2 : to put a mechanism (as an engine) in reverse
- re·vers·er noun
- reverse field : to make a sudden reversal in direction or opinion
synonyms REVERSE, TRANSPOSE, INVERT mean to change to the opposite position. REVERSE is the most general term and may imply change in order, side, direction, meaning reversed his position on the trade agreement . TRANSPOSE implies a change in order or relative position of units often through exchange of position transposed the letters to form an anagram . INVERT applies chiefly to turning upside down or inside out a stamp with an inverted picture of an airplane .

Reversed ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Converse, Transposed,


İngilizce Reversed kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
[reverse] v. poner al revés, invertir, trastrocar, voltear, volver al revés; recular, dar marcha atrás, retroceder, reversar, revertir, volver atrás; revocar, abolir, rescindir


İngilizce Reversed kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
[reverse] v. renverser; marcher en arrière, faire marche arrière; changer, intervertir


İngilizce Reversed kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[reverse] v. umkehren; zurück bewegen; ändern


İngilizce Reversed kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
[reverse] v. invertire, capovolgere, rovesciare; rivoltare; (Dir) annullare; (Mecc) invertire il movimento di; (Aut) far fare marcia indietro a; (Tel) addebitare al destinatario


İngilizce Reversed kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
[reverse] v. reverter; andar para trás; mudar


[reverse] f. tersine çevirmek, tersini çevirmek, tersyüz etmek, döndürmek, bozmak, iptal etmek, geriye doğru döndürmek, ters yönde dönmek, geri çevirmek


İngilizce Reversed kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
[reverse] ww. omkeren, omslaan; achteruit rijden; veranderen (van richting)


[reverse] v. overturn, flip; invert, transpose; cause to move backward; cause to move in the opposite direction; revoke, cancel, annul; change, alter

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