Sanata yönelmesi Breton`un teşvikiyle olmuştur. Breton, Matta`ya kendi çalışmalarını özendirterek Paris`in önde giden sürrealist akımının öncülerini tanıttı. Matta sürrealist dergi ``Minotaure`` `de yazılar yazıp resimler çizdi. Bu zaman diliminde Pablo Picasso ve Marcel Duchamp gibi göze çarpan çağdaş Avrupalı sanatçılara tanıştırıldı.
Seçilmiş Eserlerinin Listesi
- ca. 1932 - 33 ``Sick Flesh``
- 1934 ``The Clown``
- 1935 ``Untitled (Payasa)``
- 1936 ``Panama`` and ``Wet Sheets``
- 1937 ``La Forêt``, ``Snail`s Trace``, ``Composición Azul``, ``Scí©nario No. 1: Succion Panique du Soleil`` and ``Morphology``
- 1938 ``The Red Sun``, ``Space Travel (Star Travel)``, ``To Both of You``, ``Crucifiction (Croix Fiction)``, several works titled ``Psychological Morphology`` and ``Morphology of Desire``
- 1939 more works titled ``Psychological Morphology`` and ``Water``
- 1940 ``Dark Light``
- 1941 ``Invasion of the Night``, ``Ecouter Vivre``, ``Thí©orie de l`Arbre``, ``Composition Abstraite``, ``The Initiation (Origine d`un Extrême)`` and ``Foeu``
- 1942 ``The Hanged Man``, ``The End of Everything``, ``The Disasters of Mysticism`` and ``The Apples we Know``
- 1943 ``L`Oeyx``, ``El Día es un Atentado`` and ``Redness of Lead``
- 1944 Cover art for the final issue of the magazine ``VVV``, ``To Escape the Absolute``, ``Et At It``, ``Le Glaive et la Parole`` and ``Poing d`Hurlement``
- 1945 ``La Femme Affamí©e``, ``Abstracto``, ``The Heart Players`` and ``Rêve ou Morte``
- 1946 ``Le Pí©lerin du Doute`` and ``A Grave Situation``
- 1947 ``Accidentalití©``, ``Metamatician # 12`` and ``Black Mirror``
- 1948 ``Wound Interrogation`` and ``The Prophet``
- 1949 ``La Reví©cue`` and ``Woman Looked At``
- 1950 ``C`Ontra Vosotvos Asesinon de Palomas``
- 1951 ``Ne Songe Plus í Fuir`` and ``Les Roses Sont Belles``
- 1952 ``Pecador Justificado`` and ``Eclosion``
- 1953 ``Morning on Earth``, ``Hills a Poppin``, ``The Murder of the Rosenbergs``, ``L`Hosticier`` and ``L`Apetite de Primer``
- 1954 ``Abrir los Brazos Como se Abren los Ojos``, ``Bud Sucker``, ``The Chess Player``, ``L`Atout`` and ``Tados Juntos en la Tierra``
- 1955 ``Le Long Pont``, ``Spearcing of the Grain``, ``L`Engin dans l`í‰minence`` and ``Intervision``
- 1956 ``Banale de Venise``, ``Heart Malitte``, ``Fleur de Midi`` and ``Le Pianiste``
- 1957 ``Le Point d`Ombre``, ``L`Impencible``, ``The And of Think`` and ``Ciel Volante``
- 1958 ``La Chasse Spirituelle`` (started in 1957), ``íŠtre Cible Nous Monde``, ``L`Etang de No``, ``The Infancy of Concentration``, ``Les Eviteurs`` and ``Le Courier``
- 1959 ``Un Soleil í Qui Sait Reunir``, ``Les Faiseurs du Neant``, ``The Clan`` and ``L`Impensable (Grand Personage)``
- 1960 ``Couple IV`` (started in 1959), ``íŠtre Atout`` (five part suite), ``Vers l`Universe``, ``Ciudad Cósmica`` and ``Design of Intuition``
- 1961 ``Vivir Enfrentando las Flechas``
- 1962 ``Les Moyens du Creafeur``, ``Claustrophobic Vaincue`` and ``Mal de Terre``
- 1963 ``Eve Vielle``
- 1964 ``í‰ros Semens`` (triptych, started in 1962) and ``La Luz del Proscrito`` (started in 1963)
- 1965 ``La Tí©rre Uni``
- 1966 ``Le oí¹ A Marí©e Haute`` and ``La Promenade de Ví©nus``
- 1967 ``Signe of the Times`` and ``Morire per Amore``
- 1968 ``Malitte`` (modular furniture set designed between 1966 and 1968) and ``La Caza de Adolescentes``
- 1969 ``Lieberos``, ``Nude Hiding in the Forest`` and ``Verginosamente``
- 1970 ``Elle Logela Folie``, ``Je-ographie``, ``El Hombre de la Lampara`` and ``MAgriTTA Chair``
- 1971 ``Otto Por Tre`` and ``Paralelles de la Viel``
- 1972 ``Coigitum`` and ``The Upheaval of One`s Ocean``
- 1973 ``La Vida Allende la Muerte``, ``Senile d`Incertitude``, ``Migration des Rí©voltes`` and ``Hom`mer (Chaosmos)`` (suite of ten etchings with aquatint)
- 1974 ``Explosant Fixe``, ``Je M`Espionne``, ``Deep Mars``, ``L`Aube Permanente`` and ``Cadran d`Incendies``
- 1975 ``Mas Ceilin`` and ``Illumine le Temps``
- 1976 ``Wake`` (started in 1974), ``Une d`Une`` and ``Les Voix des Temples``
- 1977 ``Rooming Life``, ``L`Ombre de l`Invisible`` and ``Ouvre l`Instant``
- 1978 ``Carrí©-four`` and ``Dedalopolous``
- 1979 ``Polimorfologia``
- 1980 ``Il Proprio Corno Mio``, ``Laocoontare (La Guerra Delle Idee)`` and ``Pyrocentre``
- 1981 ``Las Scillabas de Scylla``, ``El Espejo de Cronos`` and ``El Verbo Amí©rica``
- 1982 ``Geomagní©tica de Danza`` (started in 1981), ``Ils Sexplose``, ``Passo Interno di Mercurio``, ``Labirintad`` and ``The Sign``
- 1983 ``Morphologie de la Gaití©``, ``Logos Men`` and ``Artificial Lucidity``
- 1984 ``Ecran de la Mí©moire`` and ``Le Dauphin de la Memoire``
- 1985 ``Simposio o Composio``
- 1986 ``Mi-mosa``, ``24 Mai 1986``, ``Une Pierre Qui Regagnera le Ciel and Oeramen``, ``la Conscience est un Arbre Vetroresina``
- 1987 ``D`í‚me et d`Eve``
- 1988 ``íŠtre Cri``
- 1989 ``Violetation`` and ``L`Envenement Non Identifií©``
- 1990 ``A l`Intí©rieur de la Rose``, ``Omnipuissance du Rouge``, ``Navigateur`` and ``Haiku``
- 1991 ``Parmi les Dí©sirs`` and ``Ma Dame``
- 1992 ``Champ du Vide``, ``Cosmo-now``, ``Le Dí©snomeur Rí©nomme`` and ``Farfallacqua``
- 1993 ``Leaving Your Grass``, ``Vertige du Vertige``, ``Torinox`` and ``Colomberos``
- 1994 ``Vent d`Atomes``
- 1995 ``Les Arpí¨ges``, ``L`í‚me du Fond`` and ``Melodia-Melodio``
- 1996 ``The Road to Heaven``, ``Storming Water River`` and ``Redness of Blue``
- 1997 ``Flowerita`` and ``Oak Flower``
- 1998 ``Youniverso``
- 1999 ``Blanche ou Fleur``
- 2000 ``N`ou`s Autres``
- 2002 ``Post History Chicken Flowers``, ``La Dulce Acqua Vita`` and ``La Source du Calme``
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