Rudbeckia İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Rudbeckia anlamları
- (noun) A genus of composite plants, the coneflowers, consisting of perennial herbs with showy pedunculate heads, having a hemispherical involucre, sterile ray flowers, and a conical chaffy receptacle. There are about thirty species, exclusively North American. Rudbeckia hirta, the black-eyed Susan, is a common weed in meadows.
Rudbeckia tanım:
Kelime: rud·beck·ia
Söyleniş: "r&d-'be-kE-&, rüd-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: New Latin, from Olof Rudbeck died 1702 Swedish scientist
: any of a genus (Rudbeckia) of No. American perennial composite herbs having showy flower heads with mostly yellow ray flowers and a conical chaffy receptacle