Saxon İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Saxon anlamları
- (noun) One of a nation or people who formerly dwelt in the northern part of Germany, and who, with other Teutonic tribes, invaded and conquered England in the fifth and sixth centuries.
- (a.) Anglo-Saxon.
- (noun) A native or inhabitant of modern Saxony.
- (a.) Of or pertaining to Saxony or its inhabitants.
- (a.) Of or pertaining to the Saxons, their country, or their language.
- (noun) Also used in the sense of Anglo-Saxon.
- (noun) The language of the Saxons; Anglo-Saxon.
Saxon tanım:
Kelime: Sax·on
Söyleniş: 'sak-s&n
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Late Latin Saxones Saxons, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English Seaxan Saxons
1 a (1) : a member of a Germanic people that entered and conquered England with the Angles and Jutes in the 5th century A.D. and merged with them to form the Anglo-Saxon people (2) : an Englishman or lowlander as distinguished from a Welshman, Irishman, or Highlander b : a native or inhabitant of Saxony
2 a : the Germanic language or dialect of any of the Saxon peoples b : the Germanic element in the English language especially as distinguished from the French and Latin
- Saxon adjective