

1. anlamı işaret, çizgi; oyunda her iki tarafın kay dettiği sayı veya puan, i; çetele kertiği; sayı yapma; sebep; hınç; partitur, müz bütün çalgıların ve bütün seslerin notalarını ayrı ayrı gösteren müzik parçası; yir; çetele kertiği ile tutulan hesap.
2. anlamı skor. skor verme.


Scoring İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Scoring anlamları

  1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Scorn
  2. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Score

Scoring tanım:

Kelime: 2score
İşlev: verb
Türleri: scored; scor·ing
transitive senses
1 a : to keep a record or account of by or as if by notches on a tally : RECORD b : to enter in a record c : to mark with significant lines or notches (as in keeping account)
2 : to mark with lines, grooves, scratches, or notches
4 a (1) : to make (a score) in a game or contest scored a touchdown scored three points (2) : to enable (a base runner) to make a score (3) : to have as a value in a game or contest : COUNT a touchdown scores six points b (1) : ACHIEVE, WIN scored a dazzling success (2) : ACQUIRE help a traveler score local drugs -- Poitor Koper
5 : to determine the merit of : GRADE
6 a : to write or arrange (music) for a specific performance medium b : to make an orchestration of c : to compose a score for (a movie)
intransitive senses
1 : to keep score in a game or contest
2 : to make a score in a game or contest
3 a : to gain or have the advantage b : to be successful: as (1) : to succeed in having sexual intercourse (2) : to manage to obtain illicit drugs c : 3RATE
- scor·er noun
- score points : to gain favor, status, or advantage

Scoring ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Grading, Marking,


İngilizce Scoring kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. tanteo (m), rayado (m), incisión (f), estriación (f), orquestación (f), reprimenda (f)


İngilizce Scoring kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. wertung (f)


İngilizce Scoring kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. punteggio (m)


Almanca Scoring kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. earning; gaining, obtaining