
Section Haritası


1. anlamı yataklı vagonda kompartıman; i, kesme, kesiş; gkesit; nde hükümetin malı olan 1 mil kare büyüklüğünde toprak parçası,; inkıta, kesilme; kesit, bir şeyin mikroskopla muayene edilen ince dilimi; parça, fasıl, bölge, kıta, bölük, kısım.
2. anlamı kesit. kesim. kesme. kısım. bölüm. bölme. bölge. alt şube. manga. kompartıman. bölmek. kısımlara ayırmak. parça. şube. dal. kol. parçalara ayırmak. bölümlere ayırmak.


Section İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Section anlamları

  1. (noun) A distinct part or portion of a book or writing; a subdivision of a chapter; the division of a law or other writing; a paragraph; an article; hence, the character /, often used to denote such a division.
  2. (noun) A division of a genus; a group of species separated by some distinction from others of the same genus; -- often indicated by the sign /.
  3. (noun) A distinct part of a country or people, community, class, or the like; a part of a territory separated by geographical lines, or of a people considered as distinct.
  4. (noun) The figure made up of all the points common to a superficies and a solid which meet, or to two superficies which meet, or to two lines which meet. In the first case the section is a superficies, in the second a line, and in the third a point.
  5. (noun) A part of a musical period, composed of one or more phrases. See Phrase.
  6. (noun) The act of cutting, or separation by cutting; as, the section of bodies.
  7. (noun) One of the portions, of one square mile each, into which the public lands of the United States are divided; one thirty-sixth part of a township. These sections are subdivided into quarter sections for sale under the homestead and preemption laws.
  8. (noun) A part separated from something; a division; a portion; a slice.
  9. (noun) The description or representation of anything as it would appear if cut through by any intersecting plane; depiction of what is beyond a plane passing through, or supposed to pass through, an object, as a building, a machine, a succession of strata; profile.

Section tanım:

Kelime: sec·tion
Söyleniş: 'sek-sh&n
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Latin section-, sectio, from secare to cut -- more at SAW
1 a : the action or an instance of cutting or separating by cutting b : a part set off by or as if by cutting
2 : a distinct part or portion of something written (as a chapter, law, or newspaper)
3 a : the profile of something as it would appear if cut through by an intersecting plane b : the plane figure resulting from the cutting of a solid by a plane
4 : a natural subdivision of a taxonomic group
5 : a character § used as a mark for the beginning of a section and as a reference mark
6 : a piece of land one square mile in area forming one of the 36 subdivisions of a township
7 : a distinct part of a territorial or political area, community, or group of people
8 a : a part that may be, is, or is viewed as separated chop the stalks into sections the northern section of the route b : one segment of a fruit : CARPEL
9 : a basic military unit usually having a special function
10 : a very thin slice (as of tissue) suitable for microscopic examination
11 a : one of the classes formed by dividing the students taking a course b : one of the discussion groups into which a conference or organization is divided
12 a : a part of a permanent railroad way under the care of a particular crew b : one of two or more vehicles or trains which run on the same schedule
13 : one of several component parts that may be assembled or reassembled a bookcase in sections
14 : a division of an orchestra composed of one class of instruments
synonym see PART

Section ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Department, Division, Incision, Part, Segment, Subdivision,


İngilizce Section kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. sección, capítulo, división, parte, porción, segmento; comarca, barriada, departamento, distrito, parcela, tramo; gajo
v. seccionar, dimidiar, dividir, dividir en secciones, segmentar


İngilizce Section kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. partie, morceau; section; chapitre; paragraphe; région; classe; division; compartiment
v. sectionner; couper


İngilizce Section kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Teil, Abschnitt, abgespaltene Partei; Schnitt; Einschnitt; Region; Paragraph, Abschnitt; Klasse, Abteilung
v. Sektion; Gruppe; Abschnitt, Teil, Teilstück


İngilizce Section kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. parte, porzione, pezzo; zona, regione; quartiere, distretto; sezione; paragrafo
v. sezionare, dividere in sezioni; tratteggiare


İngilizce Section kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. seção, parte, divisão; corte; região; parágrafo, artigo; departamento
v. dividir em partes, cortar


f. bölmek, kısımlara ayırmak
i. kesit, kesim, kesme, kısım, bölüm, bölme, bölge, alt şube, manga, kompartıman


Fransızca Section kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(f) n. section; department, division; branch


İngilizce Section kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. deel; onderdeel; lichaamsdeel; snee; inkerving; zone, streek; paragraaf; fragment, alinea; klas; afdeling
ww. in gedeelten verdelen; snijden


n. part, segment; slice, piece; subdivision; region, district; paragraph, passage; department, unit
v. partition, divide into segments; cut into, make an incision
n. section; department, division; branch


Fransızca Section kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
1. (administration) sectie (f); afdeling (f)2. (géométrie) doorsnede (m/f); doorsnee (m/f)
3. (architecture) dwarsdoorsnede (m/f); profiel (n)4. (objets) deel (n)
5. (militaire) peloton (n)


Fransızca Section kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. riege, teilabschnitt, zug, teilstück


Fransızca Section kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
1. (administration) sezione (f)2. (géométrie) sezione (f)
3. (architecture) sezione (f)4. (objets) parte (f)
5. (militaire) plotone (m)


Fransızca Section kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
1. (administration) seção (f); departamento (m)2. (géométrie) seção (f)
3. (architecture) corte (m)4. (objets) seção (f)
5. (militaire) pelotão (m)


Fransızca Section kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
1. (administration) sección (f); división (f)2. (géométrie) sección (f)
3. (architecture) sección (f)4. (objets) sección (f)
5. (militaire) pelotón (m)


Fransızca Section kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
[la] kesme; bölüm, şube; küçük bölüm, semt; kol, müfreze; kesit

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