Selaginella İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Selaginella anlamları
- (noun) A genus of cryptogamous plants resembling Lycopodia, but producing two kinds of spores; also, any plant of this genus. Many species are cultivated in conservatories.
Selaginella tanım:
Kelime: se·lag·i·nel·la
Söyleniş: s&-"la-j&-'ne-l&
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: New Latin, from Latin selagin-, selago, a plant resembling the savin
: any of a genus (Selaginella) of mossy lower tracheophytes that are related to or grouped with the club mosses and have branching stems and scalelike leaves and produce one-celled sporangia containing both megaspores and microspores