

1. anlamı düzen, sıra; bir birini izleme, ardıllık; seri; etki, sonuç; ardışıklık; sahne/dizi/sıra, ardıllık, artardalık.
2. anlamı ard arda geliş. zincirleme gitme. ardışlık. ardıllık. sıra. düzen. seri. silsile. zincir. dizi.


Sequence İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Sequence anlamları

  1. (noun) That which follows or succeeds as an effect; sequel; consequence; result.
  2. (noun) Simple succession, or the coming after in time, without asserting or implying causative energy; as, the reactions of chemical agents may be conceived as merely invariable sequences.
  3. (noun) A hymn introduced in the Mass on certain festival days, and recited or sung immediately before the gospel, and after the gradual or introit, whence the name.
  4. (noun) Any succession of chords (or harmonic phrase) rising or falling by the regular diatonic degrees in the same scale; a succession of similar harmonic steps.
  5. (noun) Three or more cards of the same suit in immediately consecutive order of value; as, ace, king, and queen; or knave, ten, nine, and eight.
  6. (noun) All five cards, of a hand, in consecutive order as to value, but not necessarily of the same suit; when of one suit, it is called a sequence flush.
  7. (noun) A melodic phrase or passage successively repeated one tone higher; a rosalia.
  8. (noun) The state of being sequent; succession; order of following; arrangement.

Sequence tanım:

Kelime: se·quence
Söyleniş: 'sE-kw&n(t)s, -"kwen(t)s
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Medieval Latin sequentia, from Late Latin, sequel, literally, act of following, from Latin sequent-, sequens, present participle of sequi
1 : a hymn in irregular meter between the gradual and Gospel in masses for special occasions (as Easter)
2 : a continuous or connected series: as a : an extended series of poems united by a single theme a sonnet sequence b : three or more playing cards usually of the same suit in consecutive order of rank c : a succession of repetitions of a melodic phrase or harmonic pattern each in a new position d : a set of elements ordered so that they can be labeled with the positive integers e (1) : a succession of related shots or scenes developing a single subject or phase of a film story (2) : EPISODE
3 a : order of succession b : an arrangement of the tenses of successive verbs in a sentence designed to express a coherent relationship especially between main and subordinate parts
4 a : CONSEQUENCE, RESULT b : a subsequent development
5 : continuity of progression

Sequence ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Episode, Succession, Successiveness,


İngilizce Sequence kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. secuencia, encadenamiento, serie


İngilizce Sequence kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. succession; ordre; série; chaîne


İngilizce Sequence kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Sequenz; Serie; Reihe; Ordnung; Verkettung


İngilizce Sequence kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. serie, sequela, filza, successione; catena; (biol.) sequenza di monomeri in una catena di polimeri; (cinema) sequenza, effetto; risultato, conseguenza, effetto; (inform.) ordine


İngilizce Sequence kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. seqüência, série, ordem, ocorrência


i. dizi, seri, sıra, art arda sıralama, yinelenen melodi, silsile, bölüm, sekans, gidiş, mantıklılık


İngilizce Sequence kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. volg(orde), serie; rij; order; ontvouwing


n. progression, succession; series of things in succession; order, arrangement; chain of events; series of scenes which make up one episode of a film (Cinema); consequence, outcome; (Genetics) order of monomers within a polymer chain (esp. nucleotides within DNA)
n. sequence, succession, outcome