

1. anlamı yerleşmek, yerleştirmek; halletmek, bir karara bağlamak; durulmak; hesabı kapatmak, ödemek; hesaplaşmak; konmak oturmak (tem; sakinleştirmek; posasını çöktürmek, dibe çökmek; düzeltmek; iskân ve imar etmek; karara varmak.
2. anlamı öde/yerleş/yerleştir, meskun/yerleşmiş.
3. anlamı sabit. değişmez. yerleşmiş. yerleşik. meskûn. oturulan. şenelmiş.


Settled İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Settled anlamları

  1. (imp. & p. p.) of Settle

Settled tanım:

Kelime: set·tle
Söyleniş: 'se-t&l
İşlev: verb
Türleri: set·tled; set·tling /'set-li[ng], 'se-t&l-i[ng]/
Kökeni: Middle English, to seat, bring to rest, come to rest, from Old English setlan, from setl seat
transitive senses
1 : to place so as to stay
2 a : to establish in residence b : to furnish with inhabitants : COLONIZE
3 a : to cause to pack down b : to clarify by causing dregs or impurities to sink
4 : to make quiet or orderly
5 a : to fix or resolve conclusively settle the question b : to establish or secure permanently settle the order of royal succession c : to conclude (a lawsuit) by agreement between parties usually out of court d : to close (as an account) by payment often of less than is due
6 : to arrange in a desired position
7 : to make or arrange for final disposition of settled his affairs
8 of an animal : IMPREGNATE
intransitive senses
1 : to come to rest
2 a : to sink gradually or to the bottom b : to become clear by the deposit of sediment or scum c : to become compact by sinking
3 a : to become fixed, resolved, or established a cold settled in his chest b : to establish a residence or colony settled in Wisconsin -- often used with down
4 a : to become quiet or orderly b : to take up an ordered or stable life -- often used with down marry and settle down
5 a : to adjust differences or accounts b : to come to a decision -- used with on or upon settled on a new plan c : to conclude a lawsuit by agreement out of court
6 of an animal : CONCEIVE
synonym see DECIDE
- set·tle·able /'se-t&l-&-b&l, 'set-l&-b&l/ adjective
- settle for : to be content with
- settle one's hash : to silence or subdue someone by decisive action
- settle the stomach : to remove or relieve the distress or nausea of indigestion

Settled ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Colonized, Defined, Formed,


İngilizce Settled kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. convenido, asentado, establecido


İngilizce Settled kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. installé; arrangé; décidé; peuplé


İngilizce Settled kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[settle] v. ordnen; niederlassen; anordnen; besiedeln; festsetzen; zahlen, bezahlen; sich niederlassen, sich ansiedeln; sich beruhigen; sich legen adj. niedergelassen; angesiedelt; angeordnet; bezahlt


İngilizce Settled kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. stabile, fisso, fermo; calmo, posato; stabilito, deciso, fissato; sistemato, a posto; (Econ) saldato, pagato


İngilizce Settled kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. assentado, resolvido; colonizado, populado; arrumado, arranjado; pago, saldado, liquidado


s. sabit, değişmez, kararlı, devamlı, sürekli, düzenli, durgun, oturmuş, yerleşik, ödenmiş


İngilizce Settled kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. bewoond; gekoloniseerd; geregeld; betaald


adj. populated, inhabited, colonized; arranged, resolved; paid in full (of a debt or bill)