

1. anlamı kasveseverely şiddesevereness, severity şiddet, sade/zorlu/katı/sert, sert; fazla ciddi; sert, şiddetli, haşin.
2. anlamı severeness.
3. anlamı siddet. sertlik. önem (derecesi).


Severity İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Severity anlamları

  1. (noun) The quality or state of being severe.
  2. (noun) Harshness; cruel treatment; sharpness of punishment; as, severity practiced on prisoners of war.
  3. (noun) The quality or power of distressing or paining; extreme degree; extremity; intensity; inclemency; as, the severity of pain or anguish; the severity of cold or heat; the severity of the winter.
  4. (noun) Gravity or austerity; extreme strictness; rigor; harshness; as, the severity of a reprimand or a reproof; severity of discipline or government; severity of penalties.
  5. (noun) Exactness; rigorousness; strictness; as, the severity of a test.

Severity tanım:

Kelime: se·vere
Söyleniş: s&-'vir
İşlev: adjective
Türleri: se·ver·er; -est
Kökeni: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin severus
1 a : strict in judgment, discipline, or government b : of a strict or stern bearing or manner : AUSTERE
2 : rigorous in restraint, punishment, or requirement : STRINGENT, RESTRICTIVE
3 : strongly critical or condemnatory : CENSORIOUS a severe critic
4 a : maintaining a scrupulously exacting standard of behavior or self-discipline b : establishing exacting standards of accuracy and integrity in intellectual processes a severe logician
5 : sober or restrained in decoration or manner
6 a : inflicting physical discomfort or hardship : HARSH severe winters b : inflicting pain or distress : GRIEVOUS a severe wound
7 : requiring great effort : ARDUOUS a severe test
8 : of a great degree severe depression
- se·vere·ly adverb
- se·vere·ness noun
- se·ver·i·ty /s&-'ver-&-tE/ noun
synonyms SEVERE, STERN, AUSTERE, ASCETIC mean given to or marked by strict discipline and firm restraint. SEVERE implies standards enforced without indulgence or laxity and may suggest harshness severe military discipline . STERN stresses inflexibility and inexorability of temper or character stern arbiters of public morality . AUSTERE stresses absence of warmth, color, or feeling and may apply to rigorous restraint, simplicity, or self-denial living an austere life in the country . ASCETIC implies abstention from pleasure and comfort or self-indulgence as spiritual discipline the ascetic life of the monastic orders .

Severity ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Asperity, Badness, Grimness, Hardness, Hardship, Harshness, Inclemency, Rigor, Stiffness,


İngilizce Severity kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. severidad, adustez, austeridad, dureza, reciura, rigor, rigurosidad, tirantez; gravedad


İngilizce Severity kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. sévérité; sérieux; acuité, âcreté; puissance; simplicité, retenue; rigueur


İngilizce Severity kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Strenge, Härte; Schwere; Ernst


İngilizce Severity kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. severità, durezza, rigore; gravità, serietà; rigorosità; rigidezza, inclemenza; precisione, esattezza


İngilizce Severity kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. severidade, rigorismo; gravidade; seriedade; opressão; crueldade; simplicidade, moderação


i. sertlik, şiddet, ağırlık, ciddiyet, sadelik


İngilizce Severity kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. strengheid; hevigheid; soberheid, strakheid


n. seriousness; acuteness; difficulty, rigorousness; simplicity, plainness; harshness, strictness

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