

1. anlamı tersçe; nakıs, ihtiyacı karşılamayan, ters ve kısa eksik, dar; birdenbire; çok yağIı; bodur; kısa boylu; çabuk kırılan, satılırken elde bulunmayan gevrek; eksik; kısa, ; elde bulunmayan malı satmak üzere;.
2. anlamı alçak. kısa. kısa kesilmiş. az. bodur. bücür. kısa boylu. özet. yetersiz. eksik. kestirme. kıt. tam olmayan. sert (içki). iyi pişmiş. gevrek. çıtır çıtır. hariç. kısa vadeli. çapaklı (metal). aniden. birden. haricinde. dışında. kısa metrajlı f. kısa süren.


Short İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Short anlamları

  1. (noun) A short sound, syllable, or vowel.
  2. (noun) A summary account.
  3. (superl.) Not long; having brief length or linear extension; as, a short distance; a short piece of timber; a short flight.
  4. (superl.) Deficient; defective; imperfect; not coming up, as to a measure or standard; as, an account which is short of the trith.
  5. (superl.) Limited in intellectual power or grasp; not comprehensive; narrow; not tenacious, as memory.
  6. (v. i.) To fail; to decrease.
  7. (noun) The part of milled grain sifted out which is next finer than the bran.
  8. (v. t.) To shorten.
  9. (noun) Short, inferior hemp.
  10. (superl.) Limited in quantity; inadequate; insufficient; scanty; as, a short supply of provisions, or of water.
  11. (superl.) Brittle.
  12. (adv.) In a short manner; briefly; limitedly; abruptly; quickly; as, to stop short in one's course; to turn short.
  13. (superl.) Engaging or engaged to deliver what is not possessed; as, short contracts; to be short of stock. See The shorts, under Short, n., and To sell short, under Short, adv.
  14. (superl.) Breaking or crumbling readily in the mouth; crisp; as, short pastry.
  15. (adv.) Not prolonged, or relatively less prolonged, in utterance; -- opposed to long, and applied to vowels or to syllables. In English, the long and short of the same letter are not, in most cases, the long and short of the same sound; thus, the i in ill is the short sound, not of i in isle, but of ee in eel, and the e in pet is the short sound of a in pate, etc. See Quantity, and Guide to Pronunciation, //22, 30.
  16. (superl.) Not extended in time; having very limited duration; not protracted; as, short breath.
  17. (superl.) Insufficiently provided; inadequately supplied; scantily furnished; lacking; not coming up to a resonable, or the ordinary, standard; -- usually with of; as, to be short of money.
  18. (noun) Breeches; shortclothes.
  19. (superl.) Less important, efficaceous, or powerful; not equal or equivalent; less (than); -- with of.
  20. (superl.) Abrupt; brief; pointed; petulant; as, he gave a short answer to the question.
  21. (superl.) Not distant in time; near at hand.

Short tanım:

Kelime: short
Söyleniş: 'short
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English sceort; akin to Old High German scurz short, Old Norse skortr lack
1 a : having little length b : not tall or high : LOW
2 a : not extended in time : BRIEF a short vacation b : not retentive a short memory c : EXPEDITIOUS, QUICK made short work of the problem d : seeming to pass quickly made great progress in just a few short years
3 a of a speech sound : having a relatively short duration b : being the member of a pair of similarly spelled vowel or vowel-containing sounds that is descended from a vowel that was short in duration but is no longer so and that does not necessarily have duration as its chief distinguishing feature short i in sin c of a syllable in prosody (1) : of relatively brief duration (2) : UNSTRESSED
4 : limited in distance a short trip
5 a : not coming up to a measure or requirement : INSUFFICIENT in short supply b : not reaching far enough the throw to first was short c : enduring privation d : insufficiently supplied short of cash short on brains
6 a : ABRUPT, CURT b : quickly provoked
7 : CHOPPY 2
8 : payable at an early date
9 a : containing or cooked with shortening; also : FLAKY short pastry b of metal : brittle under certain conditions
10 a : not lengthy or drawn out b : made briefer : ABBREVIATED
11 a : not having goods or property that one has sold in anticipation of a fall in prices b : consisting of or relating to a sale of securities or commodities that the seller does not possess or has not contracted for at the time of the sale short sale
12 : near the end of a tour of duty
- short·ish /'shor-tish/ adjective
- in short order : with dispatch : QUICKLY

Short ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Abruptly, Brusk, Brusque, Choleric, Curt, Curtly, Dead, Inadequate, Irascible, Light, Myopic, Poor, Scant, Short circuit, Short-circuit, Shortly, Shortsighted, Shortstop, Unawares,

Short ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Long, Tall,


İngilizce Short kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. abreviatura; cortocircuito; cortometraje
adj. pequeño, corto, pequeño de tamaño; conciso, lacónico, sucinto; breve, breve en duración, de corta duración, fugaz; achicado, cohibido, esquivo, tímido; bajo, bajo de estatura; escaso, falto, petiso
adv. abruptamente, al descubierto, cortamente, de repente, en seco; poner en cortocircuito


İngilizce Short kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. court-circuit; court, bref, petit; insuffisant; sec, brusque
adj. court, petit, bref; insuffisant; réduit; concentré; friable
adv. brusquement; court; net; en résumé; tomber court


İngilizce Short kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Schnaps; Kurzschluß (Elektrizität); Kurzfilm
adj. kurz, kurz bevor; eine kleine Weile, in Kürze; innerhalb kurzer Zeit; kurzfristig; kurzzeitig; knapp
adv. plötzlich; abbrechen; nicht hinausgehen; stoppen; ins Wort fallen; kurz angebunden sein; nicht erreichen; barsch


İngilizce Short kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. (El) cortocircuito; liquore; (Cin) cortometraggio; (Metr) sillaba breve
agg. corto; breve; di breve durata; conciso; di lunghezza scarsa; da lontano, distante; scarso; a corto; brusco, secco, spiccio; abbreviato; debole; (fam) a corto di quattrini; liscio; friabile, frollo
avv. bruscamente, di colpo, di botto; corto, lontano dall'obiettivo; di breve; seccamente


İngilizce Short kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. curto-circuito (gíria); copo de bebida; caranguejo (gíria); resumo (da expressão "em resumo")
adj. curto; baixo; pequeno; breve; reduzido; limitado; insuficiente; abrupto; quebrado (sem dinheiro)
adv. brevemente; repentinamente; resumidamente


i. kısa metrajlı film, kısa devre, kontak, kasa açığı, kısa hece, kısa okunuşlu ünlü
s. alçak, kısa, kısa kesilmiş, az, bodur, bücür, kısa boylu, özet, yetersiz, eksik, kestirme, kıt, tam olmayan, sert (içki), iyi pişmiş, gevrek, çıtır çıtır, hariç, kısa vadeli, çapaklı [met.]
zf. eksik, aniden, birden, haricinde, dışında


Fransızca Short kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(m) n. shorts, pants that end above the knee; men's underwear


Portekizce Short kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. shorts, pants that end above the knee


İngilizce Short kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. kort; te kort; kortaangebonden, kortaf; driftig; klein; bros; puur, niet met water aangemengd;beknopt (leerboeken); krap, karig, te weinig; plotseling; eenvoudiger manier; filmpje (slang)
bn. kort; laag; zonder, niet genoeg; -loos; klein; geconcentreerd; minder
bw. opeens; weldra; in het kort; op de rand van; spoedig


n. short circuit, malfunction of a circuit caused by an unintentional low-resistance connection (Electricity); main point; motion picture of less than 30 minutes (Slang); shot, small drink of liquor (British)
adj. not long, little; not tall, small; lacking, deficient; insufficient, inadequate; lacking in length; concise, brief; crumbly or flaky due to high fat content; rude, abrupt
adv. suddenly, abruptly; rudely; unawares, at a disadvantage; prematurely, before the intended target or destination; briefly


Flemenkçe Short kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(kleding) short (m)


Fransızca Short kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
(vêtements) short (m); shorts (p); korte broek (m/f)


Fransızca Short kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. turnhose, shorts


Fransızca Short kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
(vêtements) shorts (mp); calzoncini (mp)


Fransızca Short kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
(vêtements) short (m)


Fransızca Short kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
(vêtements) shorts (mp); pantalones cortos


Portekizce Short kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(vestimenta) short (m)


İspanyolca Short kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. shorts

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