

1. anlamı yolunu kesmek; basmak shut off akıntısın; menetmek, yasaklamak; kapatmak, kapamak; kapamak veya kapanmak bir şeyi indirerek kapamak, engel olmak, shut in kapamak, shut down işi tatil etmek, kapanmak, mâni olmak; shut your mouth, kapatmak, kapanmak, kapama.
2. anlamı kapamak. kapatmak. shut your mouth.. kapanmak.
3. anlamı kapamak. kapatmak. kapanmak.


Shut İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Shut anlamları

  1. (noun) A door or cover; a shutter.
  2. (imp. & p. p.) of Shut
  3. (noun) The line or place where two pieces of metal are united by welding.
  4. (v. t.) To close so as to hinder ingress or egress; as, to shut a door or a gate; to shut one's eyes or mouth.
  5. (a.) Closed or fastened; as, a shut door.
  6. (noun) The act or time of shutting; close; as, the shut of a door.
  7. (a.) Cut off sharply and abruptly by a following consonant in the same syllable, as the English short vowels, /, /, /, /, /, always are.
  8. (v. t.) To fold together; to close over, as the fingers; to close by bringing the parts together; as, to shut the hand; to shut a book.
  9. (v. t.) To preclude; to exclude; to bar out.
  10. (v. t.) To forbid entrance into; to prohibit; to bar; as, to shut the ports of a country by a blockade.
  11. (a.) Rid; clear; free; as, to get shut of a person.
  12. (v. i.) To close itself; to become closed; as, the door shuts; it shuts hard.
  13. (a.) Formed by complete closure of the mouth passage, and with the nose passage remaining closed; stopped, as are the mute consonants, p, t, k, b, d, and hard g.

Shut tanım:

Kelime: shut
Söyleniş: 'sh&t
İşlev: verb
Türleri: shut; shut·ting
Kökeni: Middle English shutten, from Old English scyttan; akin to Middle Dutch schutten to shut in, Old English scEotan to shoot -- more at SHOOT
transitive senses
1 a : to move into position to close an opening shut the lid b : to prevent entrance to or passage to or from
2 : to confine by or as if by enclosure shut herself in her study
3 : to fasten with a lock or bolt
4 : to close by bringing enclosing or covering parts together shut the eyes
5 : to cause to cease or suspend an operation or activity -- often used with down
intransitive senses
1 : to close itself or become closed flowers that shut at night
2 : to cease or suspend an operation or activity -- often used with down

Shut ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Close, Closed, Exclude,

Shut ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Admit, Include, Open, Opened,


İngilizce Shut kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
v. cerrar, cerrar con fuerza
adj. cerrado, recluido


İngilizce Shut kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
v. fermer; verrouiller; boucher; fermer les yeux; se boucher les oreilles; s'enfermer, se séparer, s'isoler
adj. fermé


İngilizce Shut kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. schließen, zumachen, sperren; lahmlegen (Verkehr); zuschlagen (Tür vor der Nase); verbauen; verschließen (augen, Ohren); hinwegsehen (über etwas); halten (Mund); aussperren; ausschließen
adj. geschlossen, zugeknallt


İngilizce Shut kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
v. chiudere; serrare, bloccare, ostruire, sbarrare; intrappolare
agg. chiuso, serrato


İngilizce Shut kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
v. fechar; cerrar; tampar; trancar; tapar; fechar-se; trancar-se
adj. fechado


f. kapatmak, kapamak, yummak, kapanmak, örtmek, sokmamak, içeri almamak, kapmak, kıstırmak, katlamak
s. kapatılmış, kapanmış, örtülü, kapalı


İngilizce Shut kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
ww. sluiten, op slot doen; dichtdoen; dicht maken; dichtdoen ("een oogje dichtdoen"); sluiten (oren)
bn. dicht


v. close, move to a closed position; block, obstruct; lock, bolt; confine; cease operation, halt activity
adj. closed, fastened

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