
Kısaca: Arkeolojik sit, geçmişten bugüne (tarihöncesi ya da tarihsel dönemlere ait) izler taşıyan ve arkeolojinin ilgi alanına giren yer ya da yerlerin genel adı. Bunun yanında; 'sitin' tanımı, çalışmaya konu olan döneme ve arkeologun kuramsal yaklaşımına bağlı olarak değişkenlik gösterebilmektedir. ...devamı ☟


Sit, tarihi değere sahip olan ve devletçe koruma altına alınan yerlerdir. Sit alanlarında Tabiat ve Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma Kanunu'na göre gerekli yerlerden izin almadan faaliyetlerde bulunmak yasaklanmıştır.


1. anlamı Tarih öncesinden günümüze kadar değişik çağların ve uygarlıkların kültür değerlerini temsil eden eser veya kalıntı.
2. anlamı çömelmek, oturmak; filanca tarafta bulunmak; ressam veya heykeltıraşa modellik etmek; binip oturmak; tünemek; resim çektirmek için poz vermek; toplanmak, toplantı yapmak; toplantıda üye sıfatı ile oturmak; kuluçkaya yatmak.
3. anlamı oturmak. oturtmak. (on ile) yer almak. görev almak. (for ile) (sınava) girmek. toplantı yapmak.


Sit İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Sit anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To cover and warm eggs for hatching, as a fowl; to brood; to incubate.
  2. (v. t.) To lie, rest, or bear; to press or weigh; -- with on; as, a weight or burden sits lightly upon him.
  3. (v. t.) To have position, as at the point blown from; to hold a relative position; to have direction.
  4. (v. t.) To rest upon the haunches, or the lower extremity of the trunk of the body; -- said of human beings, and sometimes of other animals; as, to sit on a sofa, on a chair, or on the ground.
  5. () obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Sit, for sitteth.
  6. (v. t.) To occupy a place or seat as a member of an official body; as, to sit in Congress.
  7. (v. t.) To take a position for the purpose of having some artistic representation of one's self made, as a picture or a bust; as, to sit to a painter.
  8. (v. t.) To be adjusted; to fit; as, a coat sts well or ill.
  9. (v. t.) To suit one well or ill, as an act; to become; to befit; -- used impersonally.
  10. (v. t.) To sit upon; to keep one's seat upon; as, he sits a horse well.
  11. (v. t.) To remain in a state of repose; to rest; to abide; to rest in any position or condition.
  12. (v. t.) To perch; to rest with the feet drawn up, as birds do on a branch, pole, etc.
  13. (v. t.) To suit (well / ill); to become.
  14. (v. t.) To hold a session; to be in session for official business; -- said of legislative assemblies, courts, etc.; as, the court sits in January; the aldermen sit to-night.
  15. (v. t.) To cause to be seated or in a sitting posture; to furnish a seat to; -- used reflexively.

Sit tanım:

Kelime: sit
Söyleniş: 'sit
İşlev: verb
Türleri: sat /'sat/; sit·ting
Kökeni: Middle English sitten, from Old English sittan; akin to Old High German sizzen to sit, Latin sedEre, Greek hezesthai to sit, hedra seat
intransitive senses
1 a : to rest on the buttocks or haunches sit in a chair -- often used with down b : PERCH, ROOST
2 : to occupy a place as a member of an official body sit in Congress
3 : to hold a session : be in session for official business
4 : to cover eggs for hatching : BROOD
5 a : to take a position for having one's portrait painted or for being photographed b : to serve as a model
6 archaic : to have one's dwelling place : DWELL
7 a : to lie or hang relative to a wearer the collar sits awkwardly b : to affect one with or as if with weight the food sat heavily on his stomach
8 : LIE, REST a kettle sitting on the stove
9 a : to have a location the house sits well back from the road b of wind : to blow from a certain direction
10 : to remain inactive or quiescent the car sits in the garage
11 : to take an examination
13 : to please or agree with one -- used with with and an adverb the decision did not sit well with me
transitive senses
1 : to cause to be seated : place on or in a seat -- often used with down
2 : to sit on (eggs)
3 : to keep one's seat on sit a horse
4 : to provide seats or seating room for
- sit on 1 : to hold deliberations concerning 2 : REPRESS, SQUELCH 3 : to delay action or decision concerning
- sit pretty : to be in a highly favorable situation
- sit tight 1 : to maintain one's position without change 2 : to remain quiet in or as if in hiding
- sit under : to attend religious service under the instruction or ministrations of also : to attend the classes or lectures of

Sit ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Model, Pose, Posture, Ride, Seat,

Sit ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Arise, Lie, Rise, Stand, Uprise,


İngilizce Sit kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
v. estar sentado, posarse, sentarse


İngilizce Sit kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
v. s'asseoir; être assis; asseoir; couver; se trouver, rester; poser (pour un portrait); poser (un vêtement)


İngilizce Sit kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
v. sitzen; sich setzen; stehen (am Platz befinden); Prüfung machen; an jemanden ein Beispiel statuieren


İngilizce Sit kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
v. sedere, sedersi, mettersi a sedere, mettersi seduto; accovacciarsi, accosciarsi; appollaiarsi, stare appollaiato; covare; (fig) pesare, gravare; cadere; rimanere, restare; avere un seggio


İngilizce Sit kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
v. sentar; sentar-se; presidir; chocar; incubar; posar (modelo)


f. oturmak, poz vermek, modellik yapmak, sınava girmek, konmak, tünemek, kuluçkaya yatmak, toplanmak, oturuma katılmak, tam oturmak, yola getirmek, burnunu sürtmek, binmek, oturtmak


İngilizce Sit kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
ww. zitten; zich neerzetten; neerzetten; vinden; als voorbeeld dienen (bij modeltekenen); passen (kleren)


v. rest on the legs and buttocks; take a seat; place in a seat; brood, cover eggs to warm them before hatching; be located, be situated; pose or model for an artist; fit, hang (about clothes); babysit, supervise someone's children

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