

1. anlamı sıyırmak, derisini soymak, derisini yüzmek; deri ile örtülmek; deri ile kaplamak; kabuğunu soymak; para yolmak, soyup soğana çevirmek, skin the cat spor elleriyle demir çubuğa asılı iken ayakları ve bütün vücudu kolları.


Skinless İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Skinless anlamları

  1. (a.) Having no skin, or a very thin skin; as, skinless fruit.

Skinless tanım:

Kelime: skin
Söyleniş: 'skin
İşlev: noun
Usage: often attributive
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old Norse skinn; akin to Old English scinn skin, Middle High German schint fruit peel
1 a (1) : the integument of an animal (as a fur-bearing mammal or a bird) separated from the body usually with its hair or feathers (2) : a usually unmounted specimen of a vertebrate (as in a museum) b : the hide or pelt of a game or domestic animal c (1) : the pelt of an animal prepared for use as a trimming or in a garment -- compare 4HIDE (2) : a sheet of parchment or vellum made from a hide (3) : BOTTLE 1b
2 a : the external limiting tissue layer of an animal body especially when forming a tough but flexible cover relatively impermeable from without while intact b : any of various outer or surface layers (as a rind, husk, or pellicle)
3 : the life or physical well-being of a person saved his own skin
4 : a sheathing or casing forming the outside surface of a structure (as a ship or airplane)
- skin·less /-l&s/ adjective
- by the skin of one's teeth : by a very narrow margin
- under one's skin : so deeply penetrative as to irritate, stimulate, provoke thought, or otherwise excite
- under the skin : beneath apparent or surface differences : at heart


İngilizce Skinless kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. senza pelle