

1. anlamı pek çok; pek iyi, pek âlâ; bu kadar; şartı ile; bu münasebetle, bu cihetle; bunun için; Ya! demek ki; müddetçe; bu veya şu sebepten; çok; yeter; ve; sanki, kadar; z, , şöyle, öyle, bu suretle, böyle; şu kadar; o kadar, bu, demek, öylesine, için, böylece.
2. anlamı o kadar. pek. öyleki. çok. kadar. böyle. öyle. şöyle. de. da. aynen. böylece. demek. demek ki. için. diye. yani. bu yüzden. -ması için. sol notası. öylesine. bu kadar. o kadar (çok). o derece. (o) kadar. bu şekilde. şu şekilde. gerçekten de. hakikaten. bu.
3. anlamı öyle.


So İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

So anlamları

  1. (adv.) Very; in a high degree; that is, in such a degree as can not well be expressed; as, he is so good; he planned so wisely.
  2. (adv.) The case being such; therefore; on this account; for this reason; on these terms; -- used both as an adverb and a conjuction.
  3. (adv.) In that manner or degree; as, indicated (in any way), or as implied, or as supposed to be known.
  4. (adv.) Is it thus? do you mean what you say? -- with an upward tone; as, do you say he refuses? So?
  5. (interj.) Be as you are; stand still; stop; that will do; right as you are; -- a word used esp. to cows; also used by sailors.
  6. (adv.) About the number, time, or quantity specified; thereabouts; more or less; as, I will spend a week or so in the country; I have read only a page or so.
  7. (adv.) In the same manner; as has been stated or suggested; in this or that condition or state; under these circumstances; in this way; -- with reflex reference to something just asserted or implied; used also with the verb to be, as a predicate.
  8. (adv.) Well; the fact being as stated; -- used as an expletive; as, so the work is done, is it?
  9. (adv.) In such manner; to such degree; -- used correlatively with as or that following; as, he was so fortunate as to escape.
  10. (conj.) Provided that; on condition that; in case that; if.
  11. (adv.) It is well; let it be as it is, or let it come to pass; -- used to express assent.
  12. (adv.) In like manner or degree; in the same way; thus; for like reason; whith equal reason; -- used correlatively, following as, to denote comparison or resemblance; sometimes, also, following inasmuch as.

So tanım:

Kelime: so
Söyleniş: 'sO, esp before adj or adv followed by "that" s&
İşlev: adverb
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English swA; akin to Old High German sO so, Latin sic so, thus, si if, Greek hOs so, thus, Latin suus one's own -- more at SUICIDE
1 a : in a manner or way indicated or suggested do you really think so -- often used as a substitute for a preceding clause are you ready? I think so I didn't like it and I told her so b : in the same manner or way : ALSO worked hard and so did she c : THUS for so the Lord said -- Isaiah 18:4 (Authorized Version) d : THEN, SUBSEQUENTLY and so home and to bed
2 a : to an indicated or suggested extent or degree had never been so happy b : to a great extent or degree : VERY, EXTREMELY loves her so c : to a definite but unspecified extent or degree can only do so much in a day d : most certainly : INDEED you did so do it
3 : THEREFORE, CONSEQUENTLY the witness is biased and so unreliable
usage The intensive use of so (sense 2b) is widely condemned in college handbooks but is nonetheless standard why is American television so shallow? -- Anthony Lewis the cephalopod eye is an example of a remarkable evolutionary parallel because it is so like the eye of a vertebrate -- Sarah F. Robbins the kind of sterile over-ingenuity which afflicts so many academic efforts -- Times Literary Supplement . There is no stigma attached to its use in negative contexts and when qualified by a dependent clause not so long ago was so good in mathematics that he began to consider engineering -- Current Biography . The denotation in these uses is, of course, slightly different (see sense 2a).

So ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Indeed, Sol, Then, Thus, Truthful,

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