

1. anlamı yumuşaklık; yumuşak, i, s; yufka yürekli; korumasız; mülâyim, tatlı, nazik, latif, uysal; hafif; asude, sakin; yumuşak şey; İng, nemli, ılık; k, ahmak kim, dili; bakterilerle ayrışabilen; ince, zayıf, dayanıksız, narin.
2. anlamı yumusaklik.


Softness İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Softness anlamları

  1. (noun) The quality or state of being soft; -- opposed to hardness, and used in the various specific senses of the adjective.

Softness tanım:

Kelime: soft
Söyleniş: 'soft
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English sOfte, alteration of sEfte; akin to Old High German semfti soft
1 a : pleasing or agreeable to the senses : bringing ease, comfort, or quiet the soft influences of home b : having a bland or mellow rather than a sharp or acid taste c (1) : not bright or glaring : SUBDUED (2) : having or producing little contrast or a relatively short range of tones a soft photographic print d : quiet in pitch or volume e of the eyes : having a liquid or gentle appearance f : smooth or delicate in texture, grain, or fiber soft cashmere soft fur g (1) : balmy, mild, or clement in weather or temperature (2) : moving or falling with slight force or impact : not violent soft breezes
2 : demanding little work or effort : EASY a soft job
3 a : sounding as in ace and gem respectively -- used of c and g or their sound b of a consonant : VOICED c : constituting a vowel before which there is a \y\ sound or a \y\-like modification of a consonant or constituting a consonant in whose articulation there is a \y\-like modification or which is followed by a \y\ sound (as in Russian)
4 archaic : moving in a leisurely manner
5 : rising gradually a soft slope
6 : having curved or rounded outline : not harsh or jagged soft hills against the horizon
7 : marked by a gentleness, kindness, or tenderness: as a (1) : not harsh or onerous in character a policy of soft competition (2) : based on negotiation, conciliation, or flexibility rather than on force, threats, or intransigence took a soft line during the crisis (3) : tending to take a soft line -- usually used with on soft on dictators soft on law and order b : tending to ingratiate or disarm : ENGAGING, KIND a soft answer turns away wrath -- Prov 15:1 (Revised Standard Version) c : marked by mildness : UNASSUMING, LOW-KEY
8 a : emotionally suggestible or responsive : IMPRESSIONABLE b : unduly susceptible to influence : COMPLIANT c : lacking firmness or strength of character : FEEBLE, UNMANLY d : amorously attracted or emotionally involved -- used with on has been soft on her for years
9 a : lacking robust strength, stamina, or endurance especially because of living in ease or luxury grown soft and indolent b : weak or deficient mentally soft in the head
10 a : yielding to physical pressure b : permitting someone or something to sink in -- used of wet ground c (1) : of a consistency that may be shaped or molded (2) : capable of being spread d : easily magnetized and demagnetized e : lacking relatively or comparatively in hardness soft iron
11 : deficient in or free from substances (as calcium and magnesium salts) that prevent lathering of soap soft water
12 : having relatively low energy soft X rays
13 of news : relatively less serious or significant
14 : occurring at such a speed and under such circumstances as to avoid destructive impact soft landing of a spacecraft on the moon
15 : not protected against enemy attack a soft aboveground launching site soft targets
16 : BIODEGRADABLE a soft detergent soft pesticides
17 of a drug : considered less detrimental than a hard narcotic
18 : easily polarized -- used of acids and bases
19 a of currency : not readily convertible b of a loan : not secured by collateral
20 a : being low due to sluggish market conditions soft prices b : SLUGGISH, SLOW a soft market
21 : not firmly committed soft unreliable political support
22 : SOFT-CORE soft porn
23 a : being or based on interpretive or speculative data soft evidence b : utilizing or based on soft data soft science
24 : being or using renewable sources of energy (as solar radiation, wind, or tides) soft technologies
25 of money : contributed (as by a corporation) to a political party rather than directly to a particular candidate
- soft·ish /'sof-tish/ adjective
- soft·ly /'sof(t)-lE/ adverb
- soft·ness /'sof(t)-n&s/ noun


İngilizce Softness kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. blandura, blandeza, blandicia, flacidez, lenidad, molicie, morbidez, suavidad, ternura, tersura


İngilizce Softness kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. douceur, mollesse; tendresse; stupidité


İngilizce Softness kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Sanftheit; Zartheit; Seidigkeit; Glätte; Weichheit


İngilizce Softness kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. morbidezza, mollezza, tenerezza; tenuità; silenziosità, quiete; gentilezza, dolcezza


İngilizce Softness kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. suavidade, brandura; cuidadoso; surdez


i. yumuşaklık, tatlılık, uysallık, sevecenlik, gevşeklik, cıvıklık


İngilizce Softness kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. zachtheid


n. quality of being soft; malleability; smoothness; gentleness, tenderness; delicateness; quietness; weakness