

1. anlamı ayyaş kimse; salamura turşusu; kafayı çekmek, sarhoş olmak, x salamuraya bastır/ıslat, salamura; salamuraya bastırma; ıslatmak, sulu bir şeye batırıp çıkarmak; i, salamura; salamuraya bastırmak, tuzlamak; salamura; atmaca gibi üstüne atılmak; , f, üstüne.
2. anlamı salamura.


Souse İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Souse anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To plunge or immerse in water or any liquid.
  2. (noun) Pickle made with salt.
  3. (noun) The act of sousing; a plunging into water.
  4. (noun) The ear; especially, a hog's ear.
  5. (adv.) With a sudden swoop; violently.
  6. (v. t.) To steep in pickle; to pickle.
  7. (v. t.) To pounce upon.
  8. (noun) The act of sousing, or swooping.
  9. (v. t.) To swoop or plunge, as a bird upon its prey; to fall suddenly; to rush with speed; to make a sudden attack.
  10. (v. t.) To drench, as by an immersion; to wet throughly.
  11. (noun) Something kept or steeped in pickle; esp., the pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine.
  12. (noun) A corrupt form of Sou.

Souse tanım:

Kelime: souse
Söyleniş: 'saus
İşlev: verb
Türleri: soused; sous·ing
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French souz, souce pickling solution, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German sulza brine, Old English sealt salt
transitive senses
2 a : to plunge in liquid : IMMERSE b : DRENCH, SATURATE
3 : to make drunk : INEBRIATE
intransitive senses : to become immersed or drenched

Souse ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Alcoholic, Boozer, Dip, Dipsomaniac, Douse, Dowse, Drench, Drenching, Inebriate, Lush, Plunge, Soak, Soaker, Soaking, Sop, Sousing,


İngilizce Souse kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. salmuera, conserva en vinagre; remojón v. escabechar, adobar; zambullir, inmergir


İngilizce Souse kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. saumure, marinade v. immerger dans; faire mariner (culinaire); arroser quelque chose d'eau


İngilizce Souse kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Pökel, Pökelbrühe, Salzbrühe, Lake; Gepökeltes, Pökelfleisch; Waschwasser v. (ein) pökeln, einsalzen; ins Wasser werfen, eintauchen; durchnässen; konservieren; marinieren (Fleisch)


İngilizce Souse kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. salamoia; cibo in salamoia; immersione, tuffo; inzuppamento, impregnazione; (fam) ubriacone, beone, (pop) sbornione v. mettere in salamoia; immergere nell'acqua; inzuppare, imbevere, impregnare


İngilizce Souse kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. escabeche; salmoura; imersão, absorção v. umedecer, molhar, absolver; pôr em conserva (carne)


f. salamuraya bastırmak, tuzlu suya bastırmak, suya bastırmak, suya daldırmak, ıslatmak i. salamura, tuzlama, salamura yapma, sarhoşluk, ayyaş, içki alemi


İngilizce Souse kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. pekel (saus); het marineren, het inpekelenl; onderdompeling; pekelvlees ww. dronken voeren; aanvallen; marineren, pekelen; in-, onderdompelen; overgieten; doornat worden


n. immersing, thorough wetting, soaking; something that has been soaked in pickle (especially the ears, feet, etc. of a pig); pickling liquid, brine; drunkard (Slang); drinking binge (Slang) v. soak, steep, immerse (in a liquid); make wet, drench; pickle; make intoxicated (Slang)