

1. anlamı havla speak by the book, işaretle konuşmak Speak Haydi; ifade etmek, bahsini etmek, bahsetmek, belirtmek; nutuk söylemek, konuşma yapmak, konuşmak, söz söylemek; çalmak, ses vermek.
2. anlamı bak, speak.
3. anlamı tekerlek parmağı. (bisiklette) jant teli.


Spoke İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Spoke anlamları

  1. (imp.) of Speak
  2. () of Speak
  3. (noun) A rung, or round, of a ladder.
  4. () imp. of Speak.
  5. (noun) A projecting handle of a steering wheel.
  6. (v. t.) To furnish with spokes, as a wheel.
  7. (noun) A contrivance for fastening the wheel of a vehicle, to prevent it from turning in going down a hill.
  8. (noun) The radius or ray of a wheel; one of the small bars which are inserted in the hub, or nave, and which serve to support the rim or felly.

Spoke tanım:

Kelime: speak
Söyleniş: 'spEk
İşlev: verb
Türleri: spoke /'spOk/; spo·ken /'spO-k&n/; speak·ing
Kökeni: Middle English speken, from Old English sprecan, specan; akin to Old High German sprehhan to speak, Greek spharageisthai to crackle
intransitive senses
1 a : to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice : TALK b (1) : to express thoughts, opinions, or feelings orally (2) : to extend a greeting (3) : to be on speaking terms still were not speaking after the dispute c (1) : to express oneself before a group (2) : to address one's remarks speak to the issue
2 a : to make a written statement his diaries... spoke... of his entrancement with death -- Sy Kahn b : to use such an expression -- often used in the phrase so to speak was at the enemy's gates, so to speak -- C. S. Forester c : to serve as spokesman spoke for the whole group
3 a : to express feelings by other than verbal means actions speak louder than words b : SIGNAL c : to be interesting or attractive : APPEAL great music... speaks directly to the emotions -- A. N. Whitehead
4 : to make a request : ASK spoke for the remaining piece of pie
5 : to make a characteristic or natural sound all at once the thunder spoke -- George Meredith
6 a : TESTIFY b : to be indicative or suggestive his gold... spoke of riches in the land -- Julian Dana
transitive senses
1 a (1) : to utter with the speaking voice : PRONOUNCE (2) : to give a recitation of : DECLAIM b : to express orally : DECLARE free to speak their minds c : ADDRESS, ACCOST; especially : HAIL
2 : to make known in writing : STATE
3 : to use or be able to use in speaking speaks Spanish
4 : to indicate by other than verbal means
5 archaic : DESCRIBE, DEPICT
- speak·able /'spE-k&-b&l/ adjective
- to speak of : worthy of mention or notice -- usually used in negative constructions

Spoke ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Radius, Rundle, Rung,


İngilizce Spoke kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. rayo de la rueda, radio de la rueda; escalón, peldaño


İngilizce Spoke kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. rayon; (aéroport) d'apport; marche (échelle)


İngilizce Spoke kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[speak] v. sprechen, reden; sagen; telefonieren; aussprechen; aussagen; Wort ergreifen n. Speiche, Sprosse (Leiter, Steuerrad, Rad) ); Spake; Bremse, Hemmschuh


İngilizce Spoke kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. raggio; piolo; calzatoia, zeppa; (Mar) maniglia


İngilizce Spoke kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. raio (de roda); travão (de roda); degrau (de escada)


f. tekerleğe çomak sokmak, çubuk sokarak durdurmak i. tekerlek parmaklığı, portatif merdiven basamağı, fren düzeni, at arabası tekerine dönmemesi için sokulan çomak


İngilizce Spoke kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. spaak (van fiets, van wiel); tree (in ladder)


n. any of the bars that extend from the hub to the rim of a wheel; rung of a ladder

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