

1. anlamı tınaz, istif, saman veya ot kümesi; muntazam yığın; baca; büyük yığın, i; engeller karşısında, istif etmek, have the cards stacked against one güç bir durumda olmak, yığmak; bolluk, dili, kitap rafları k.
2. anlamı yığın. istif. bolluk. baca. yığmak.


Stack İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Stack anlamları

  1. (noun) To lay in a conical or other pile; to make into a large pile; as, to stack hay, cornstalks, or grain; to stack or place wood.
  2. (a.) A section of memory in a computer used for temporary storage of data, in which the last datum stored is the first retrieved.
  3. (a.) A data structure within random-access memory used to simulate a hardware stack; as, a push-down stack.
  4. (a.) A pile of wood containing 108 cubic feet.
  5. (a.) A number of flues embodied in one structure, rising above the roof. Hence:
  6. (a.) A pile of poles or wood, indefinite in quantity.
  7. (a.) A large pile of hay, grain, straw, or the like, usually of a nearly conical form, but sometimes rectangular or oblong, contracted at the top to a point or ridge, and sometimes covered with thatch.
  8. (a.) Any single insulated and prominent structure, or upright pipe, which affords a conduit for smoke; as, the brick smokestack of a factory; the smokestack of a steam vessel.

Stack tanım:

Kelime: stack
Söyleniş: 'stak
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English stak, from Old Norse stakkr; akin to Russian stog stack and probably to Old English staca stake
1 : a large usually conical pile (as of hay, straw, or grain in the sheaf) left standing in the field for storage
2 a : an orderly pile or heap b : a large quantity or number
3 : an English unit of measure especially for firewood that is equal to 108 cubic feet
4 a : a number of flues embodied in one structure rising above a roof b : a vertical pipe (as to carry off smoke) c : the exhaust pipe of an internal combustion engine
5 : a structure of bookshelves for compact storage of books -- usually used in plural
6 : a pile of chips sold to or won by a poker player
7 a : a memory or a section of memory in a computer for temporary storage in which the last item stored is the first retrieved; also : a data structure that simulates a stack a push-down stack b : a computer memory consisting of arrays of memory elements stacked one on top of another

Stack ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Batch, Deal, Distribute, Flock, Heap, Lot, Mass, Mess, Mickle, Mint, Muckle, Peck, Pile, Plenty, Pot, Raft, Sight, Slew, Smokestack, Spate, Stagger, Wad,


İngilizce Stack kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. pila; estante para libros; (inform.) área de la memoria en el cual se puede almacenar información y retirarla en un orden inverso al de entrada (en el internet); chimenea embudo
v. apilar, empilar, hacinar


İngilizce Stack kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. pile; étagère; bûcher; cheminée; pile, zone dans la mémoire où il est possible de stocker de l'information et de la récupérer en ordre inverse à celui d'entrée (informatique)
v. entasser, amonceler


İngilizce Stack kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Stapel, Haufen; Schornstein; (Computer) ein Bereich im Speicher an der man Informationen speichern kann und sie in der umgekehrten Reihenfolge abrufen kann
v. aufstapeln; aufstellen


İngilizce Stack kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. pila; mucchio; camino, ciminiera; scaffale; (informatica) zona della memoria dove i dati sono depositati e quindi recuperati in ordine inverso; (internet) strati di un sistema di interconnessione utilizzati nel trasferimento dei dati
v. accatastare, ammucchiare, ammassare; (Agr) accovonare; riempire, caricare; (Mil) mettere in fascio; (sl) preparare ad arte; (Aer) assegnare la quota a


İngilizce Stack kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. pilha, montão; estante de livros; área na memória de um computador onde as informações podem ser armazenadas e depois resgatadas na ordem contrária à de entrada, região da memória reservada onde os programas armazenam dados de status ou variáveis locais (Comp.)
v. empilhar, amontoar


f. yığmak, kümelemek, istif etmek, yüklemek, çatmak (tüfekleri), daireler çizerek uçmak
i. yığın, küme, istif, tınaz, kitap rafı, baca, egzoz, ortak anten, tüfek çatısı


İngilizce Stack kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. stapel; (in computers) wachtrij, opslagplaats, een deel van het geheugen waar informatie wordt bewaard en waaruit deze in omgekeerde volgorde kan worden opgevraagd; boekenplank; schoorsteen
ww. opstapelen, op een hoop leggen


n. heap; tall bookshelf; chimney; (Computers) area in memory where information can be stored and then retrieved in the reverse order; (Internet) layers of the open system interconnection used to transfer information
v. place one thing on top of another in a heap, pile


Almanca Stack kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.