

Stephanotis İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Stephanotis anlamları

  1. (noun) A genus of climbing asclepiadaceous shrubs, of Madagascar, Malaya, etc. They have fleshy or coriaceous opposite leaves, and large white waxy flowers in cymes.
  2. (noun) A perfume said to be prepared from the flowers of Stephanotis floribunda.

Stephanotis tanım:

Kelime: steph·a·no·tis
Söyleniş: "ste-f&-'nO-t&s
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: New Latin, from Greek stephanOtis fit for a crown, from stephanos crown, from stephein to crown
: any of a genus (Stephanotis and especially S. floribunda) of Old World tropical woody vines of the milkweed family with fragrant white flowers the corolla of which has a cylindrical dilated tube and spreading limb
[stephanotis illustration]