
Kısaca: Suş, biyolojide 3 farklı manada kullanılabilir. ...devamı ☟

Strain ile ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı sayfamız: Suş


1. anlamı makam, nağme; soy, nesil, aile, silsile; mizaç; cüzt şey; ıslah edilmiş bitki cinsi, bahç; iz, eser; ırk veya millet özelliği; strain süz/zorla/ger, özellik/soy/hava/gerilim, şiir parçası, şarkı; hayvanlarda soy; usul, ifade, tarz; hava, germek, ifade, it.
2. anlamı soy. ırk. kan. nesil. soydan ya da doğuştan gelen özellik. iz. eser. biçim. tarz. ifade. hava. melodi. ezgi. nağme. (at ile) germek. asılmak. zorlanmak. büyük çaba harcamak. zorlamak. zarar vermek. incitme. (against ile) vücuduyla bastırmak. itmek. gergin.


Strain İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Strain anlamları

  1. (noun) A cultural subvariety that is only slightly differentiated.
  2. (a.) To make uneasy or unnatural; to produce with apparent effort; to force; to constrain.
  3. (a.) To exert to the utmost; to ply vigorously.
  4. (a.) To injure in the muscles or joints by causing to make too strong an effort; to harm by overexertion; to sprain; as, to strain a horse by overloading; to strain the wrist; to strain a muscle.
  5. (noun) Hereditary character, quality, or disposition.
  6. (a.) To act upon, in any way, so as to cause change of form or volume, as forces on a beam to bend it.
  7. (noun) Race; stock; generation; descent; family.
  8. (noun) The act of straining, or the state of being strained.
  9. (a.) To stretch beyond its proper limit; to do violence to, in the matter of intent or meaning; as, to strain the law in order to convict an accused person.
  10. (a.) To draw with force; to extend with great effort; to stretch; as, to strain a rope; to strain the shrouds of a ship; to strain the cords of a musical instrument.
  11. (a.) To squeeze; to press closely.
  12. (a.) To injure by drawing, stretching, or the exertion of force; as, the gale strained the timbers of the ship.
  13. (noun) Rank; a sort.
  14. (v. i.) To percolate; to be filtered; as, water straining through a sandy soil.
  15. (noun) A change of form or dimensions of a solid or liquid mass, produced by a stress.
  16. (noun) Turn; tendency; inborn disposition. Cf. 1st Strain.
  17. (a.) To press, or cause to pass, through a strainer, as through a screen, a cloth, or some porous substance; to purify, or separate from extraneous or solid matter, by filtration; to filter; as, to strain milk through cloth.
  18. (noun) A portion of music divided off by a double bar; a complete musical period or sentence; a movement, or any rounded subdivision of a movement.
  19. (v. i.) To make violent efforts.
  20. (a.) To urge with importunity; to press; as, to strain a petition or invitation.
  21. (noun) A violent effort; an excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles; as, he lifted the weight with a strain; the strain upon a ship's rigging in a gale; also, the hurt or injury resulting; a sprain.
  22. (noun) Any sustained note or movement; a song; a distinct portion of an ode or other poem; also, the pervading note, or burden, of a song, poem, oration, book, etc.; theme; motive; manner; style; also, a course of action or conduct; as, he spoke in a noble strain; there was a strain of woe in his story; a strain of trickery appears in his career.

Strain tanım:

Kelime: strain
Söyleniş: 'strAn
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English streen progeny, lineage, from Old English strEon gain, acquisition; akin to Old High German gistriuni gain, Latin struere to heap up -- more at STREW
1 a : LINEAGE, ANCESTRY b : a group of presumed common ancestry with clear-cut physiological but usually not morphological distinctions a high-yielding strain of winter wheat ; broadly : a specified infraspecific group (as a stock, line, or ecotype) c : KIND, SORT discussions of a lofty strain
2 a : inherited or inherent character, quality, or disposition a strain of madness in the family b : TRACE, STREAK a strain of fanaticism
3 a : TUNE, AIR b : a passage of verbal or musical expression c : a stream or outburst of forceful or impassioned speech
4 a : the tenor, pervading note, burden, or tone of an utterance or of a course of action or conduct b : MOOD, TEMPER

Strain ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Air, Breed, Deform, Distort, Extend, Filter, Filtrate, Form, Line, Melody, Nisus, Pains, Puree, Reach, Sieve, Sift, Song, Stock, Straining, Stress, Strive, Striving, Tenor, Tense, Try, Tune, Variant, Variety,

Strain ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Relax, Unstrain, Unwind,


İngilizce Strain kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. tensión, esfuerzo, tirantez; tenor; tendencia, propensidad; torcedura, esguince; variedad, cepa
v. estirar, poner tirante, tensar; colar, cerner, cribar, filtrar, trascolar; esforzarse, afanarse, hacer un gran esfuerzo


İngilizce Strain kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. tension, pression, surtension, effort, contrainte; entorse, foulure; déformation; ton (d'un discours); caractère; lignée, souche
v. tendre; fouler; forcer; déformer; filtrer; passer; tamiser; s'efforcer; forcer; peiner; fatiguer; travailler; se déformer (machine)


İngilizce Strain kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Belastung; Anspannung; Anstrengung; Verrenkung; Melodie; Ton; Streben; Art; Herkunft
v. dehnen; anstrengen; überanstrengen; sieben


İngilizce Strain kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. sforzo, tensione, sollecitazione; l'essere teso; logorio; (Med) strappo; distorsione, storta; il chiedere troppo, pretesa eccessiva; (Edil, Ind) deformazione; brano, passo; tono, tenore
v. tendere, tirare; deformare, sformare; sforzare, sottoporre a sforzo; affaticare; (rifl) sforzarsi, affaticarsi; abusare di, pretendere troppo da, chiedere troppo a; travisare, svisare; filtrare


İngilizce Strain kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. tensão; pressão; esforço; melodia; sugestão, toque; tendência; caráter; descendência
v. causar tensão, esticar; esforçar-se; deformar; filtrar


f. germek, kasmak, zorlamak, burkmak, incitmek, yormak, çarpıtmak, saptırmak, süzmek, süzgeçten geçirmek, filtre etmek, gerilmek, kasılmak, eğilmek, gayret etmek, çabalamak, didinmek
i. zorlanma, germe, burkma, zorluk, zor, basınç, zorlama, burkulma, incinme, gerilme, gerginlik, yük, makam, melodi, hava, anlatım, anlam, özellik, soy, ırk, nesil, tür, karakter, yapı, belirti


İngilizce Strain kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. spanning; (het) drukken; moeite; verstuiken; melodie; toon; tendens, richting; karakter; afkomst
ww. spannen; inspannen; krom buigen; zeven


n. tension; pressure; exertion; sprain or other injury caused by excess stress on some part of the body; extreme emotional pressure; melody; tendency; character; lineage, ancestry; pedigree, breed
v. pull taut, stretch; injure a body part through overuse (especially a muscle); work very hard, exert oneself; filter through a sieve; deform, cause a change in shape or size

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