Straiten İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Straiten anlamları
- (v. t.) To make tense, or tight; to tighten.
- (v. t.) To restrict; to distress or embarrass in respect of means or conditions of life; -- used chiefly in the past participle; -- as, a man straitened in his circumstances.
- (v. t.) To make strait; to make narrow; hence, to contract; to confine.
Straiten tanım:
Kelime: strait·en
Söyleniş: 'strA-t&n
İşlev: transitive verb
Türleri: strait·ened; strait·en·ing

1 a : to make strait or narrow b : to hem in : CONFINE
2 archaic : to restrict in freedom or scope : HAMPER
3 : to subject to distress, privation, or deficiency in straitened circumstances