Sub- İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Sub- anlamları
- () A prefix signifying under, below, beneath, and hence often, in an inferior position or degree, in an imperfect or partial state, as in subscribe, substruct, subserve, subject, subordinate, subacid, subastringent, subgranular, suborn. Sub- in Latin compounds often becomes sum- before m, sur before r, and regularly becomes suc-, suf-, sug-, and sup- before c, f, g, and p respectively. Before c, p, and t it sometimes takes form sus- (by the dropping of b from a collateral form, subs-).
- () A prefix denoting that the ingredient (of a compound) signified by the term to which it is prefixed,is present in only a small proportion, or less than the normal amount; as, subsulphide, suboxide, etc. Prefixed to the name of a salt it is equivalent to basic; as, subacetate or basic acetate.
Sub- tanım:
Kelime: sub-İşlev: prefix
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin, under, below, secretly, from below, up, near, from sub under, close to -- more at UP
1 : under : beneath : below subsoil subaqueous
2 a : subordinate : secondary : next lower than or inferior to substation subeditor b : subordinate portion of : subdivision of subcommittee subspecies c : with repetition (as of a process) so as to form, stress, or deal with subordinate parts or relations sublet subcontract
3 : less than completely, perfectly, or normally : somewhat subacute subclinical
4 a : almost : nearly suberect b : falling nearly in the category of and often adjoining : bordering on subarctic
sub·ad·o·les·cent sub·agen·cy sub·agent sub·al·lo·ca·tion sub·ar·ea sub·au·di·ble sub·av·er·age sub·base·ment sub·ba·sin sub·block sub·branch sub·caste sub·cat·e·go·ri·za·tion sub·cat·e·go·rize sub·cat·e·go·ry sub·ceil·ing sub·cel·lar sub·chap·ter sub·chief sub·clan sub·clus·ter sub·code sub·col·lec·tion sub·col·lege sub·col·le·giate sub·col·o·ny sub·com·mis·sion sub·com·po·nent sub·cor·date sub·co·ri·a·ceous sub·coun·ty sub·cult sub·cu·ra·tive sub·dean sub·de·ci·sion sub·de·part·ment sub·de·vel·op·ment sub·di·a·lect sub·di·rec·tor sub·dis·ci·pline sub·dis·trict sub·econ·o·my sub·erect sub·file sub·frame sub·gen·er·a·tion sub·genre sub·goal sub·gov·ern·ment sub·hu·mid sub·in·dus·try sub·in·hib·i·to·ry sub·lan·guage sub·lev·el sub·li·brar·i·an sub·li·cense sub·lit·er·a·cy sub·lit·er·ate sub·lot sub·man·ag·er sub·mar·ket sub·max·i·mal sub·menu sub·min·i·mal sub·min·is·ter sub·na·tion·al sub·net·work sub·niche sub·op·ti·mal sub·op·ti·mi·za·tion sub·op·ti·mize sub·op·ti·mum sub·or·bic·u·lar sub·or·ga·ni·za·tion sub·pan·el sub·par sub·para·graph sub·par·al·lel sub·part sub·pe·ri·od sub·phase sub·pri·mate sub·pro·cess sub·prod·uct sub·proj·ect sub·pro·le·tar·i·at sub·ra·tio·nal sub·sat·u·rat·ed sub·sat·u·ra·tion sub·scale sub·science sub·sea sub·sec·re·tary sub·sec·tor sub·seg·ment sub·sei·zure sub·sense sub·sen·tence sub·se·ries sub·site sub·skill sub·so·ci·ety sub·spe·cial·ist sub·spe·cial·ize sub·spe·cial·ty sub·state sub·sys·tem sub·task sub·tax·on sub·test sub·theme sub·ther·a·peu·tic sub·top·ic sub·trea·sury sub·trend sub·tribe sub·type sub·unit sub·va·ri·ety sub·vas·sal sub·vis·i·ble sub·vi·su·al sub·world sub·writ·er sub·ze·ro sub·zone