

Super- İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Super- anlamları

  1. () A prefix signifying above, over, beyond, and hence often denoting in a superior position, in excess, over and above, in addition, exceedingly; as in superimpose, supersede, supernatural, superabundance.
  2. () A prefix formerly much used to denote that the ingredient to the name of which it was prefixed was present in a large, or unusually large, proportion as compared with the other ingredients; as in calcium superphosphate. It has been superseded by per-, bi-, di-, acid, etc. (as peroxide, bicarbonate, disulphide, and acid sulphate), which retain the old meanings of super-, but with sharper definition. Cf. Acid, a., Bi-, Di-, and Per-.

Super- tanım:

Kelime: super-
İşlev: prefix
Kökeni: Latin, over, above, in addition, from super over, above, on top of -- more at OVER
1 a (1) : over and above : higher in quantity, quality, or degree than : more than superhuman (2) : in addition : extra supertax b (1) : exceeding or so as to exceed a norm superheat (2) : in or to an extreme or excessive degree or intensity supersubtle c : surpassing all or most others of its kind superhighway
2 a : situated or placed above, on, or at the top of superlunary ; specifically : situated on the dorsal side of b : next above or higher supertonic
3 : having the (specified) ingredient present in a large or unusually large proportion superphosphate
4 : constituting a more inclusive category than that specified superfamily
5 : superior in status, title, or position superpower
su·per·ab·sor·bent su·per·achiev·er su·per·ac·tiv·i·ty su·per·ad·di·tion su·per·ad·min·is·tra·tor su·per·agent su·per·am·bi·tious su·per·ath·lete su·per·bad su·per·bank su·per·bil·lion·aire su·per·bitch su·per·board su·per·bomb su·per·bomb·er su·per·bright su·per·bu·reau·crat su·per·cab·i·net su·per·car su·per·car·ri·er su·per·cau·tious su·per·cen·ter su·per·chic su·per·church su·per·civ·i·li·za·tion su·per·civ·i·lized su·per·clean su·per·club su·per·co·los·sal su·per·com·fort·able su·per·com·pet·i·tive su·per·con·fi·dent su·per·con·glom·er·ate su·per·con·ser·va·tive su·per·con·ve·nient su·per·cop su·per·cor·po·ra·tion su·per·crim·i·nal su·per·cute su·per·de·luxe su·per·dip·lo·mat su·per·ef·fec·tive su·per·ef·fi·cien·cy su·per·ef·fi·cient su·per·ego·ist su·per·elite su·per·em·i·nence su·per·em·i·nent su·per·em·i·nent·ly su·per·ex·pen·sive su·per·ex·press su·per·fan su·per·farm su·per·fast su·per·firm su·per·flack su·per·fund su·per·good su·per·gov·ern·ment su·per·growth su·per·hard·en su·per·heavy su·per·her·o·ine su·per·hit su·per·hot su·per·hype su·per·in·su·lat·ed su·per·in·tel·lec·tu·al su·per·in·tel·li·gence su·per·in·tel·li·gent su·per·in·ten·si·ty su·per·jock su·per·jum·bo su·per·large su·per·law·yer su·per·light su·per·lob·by·ist su·per·loy·al·ist su·per·lux·u·ri·ous su·per·lux·u·ry su·per·ma·cho su·per·ma·jor·i·ty su·per·male su·per·mas·cu·line su·per·mas·sive su·per·mil·i·tant su·per·mil·lion·aire su·per·mind su·per·min·is·ter su·per·mod·el su·per·mod·ern su·per·mom
su·per·na·tion su·per·na·tion·al su·per·nu·tri·tion su·per·or·gan·ic su·per·or·gasm su·per·pa·tri·ot su·per·pa·tri·ot·ic su·per·pa·tri·o·tism su·per·per·son su·per·per·son·al su·per·phe·nom·e·non su·per·pimp su·per·plane su·per·play·er su·per·po·lite su·per·port su·per·pow·er·ful su·per·pre·mi·um su·per·pro su·per·prof·it su·per·qual·i·ty su·per·race su·per·real su·per·re·al·ism su·per·re·gion·al su·per·rich su·per·road su·per·ro·man·tic su·per·ro·man·ti·cism su·per·safe su·per·sale su·per·sales·man su·per·scale su·per·school su·per·scout su·per·se·cre·cy su·per·se·cret su·per·sell su·per·sell·er su·per·sex·u·al·i·ty su·per·sharp su·per·show su·per·sing·er su·per·size su·per·sized su·per·sleuth su·per·slick su·per·smart su·per·smooth su·per·soft su·per·so·phis·ti·cat·ed su·per·spe·cial su·per·spe·cial·ist su·per·spe·cial·i·za·tion su·per·spe·cial·ized su·per·spec·ta·cle su·per·spec·tac·u·lar su·per·spec·u·la·tion su·per·spy su·per·state su·per·sta·tion su·per·stim·u·late su·per·stock su·per·stra·tum su·per·strength su·per·strike su·per·strong su·per·stud su·per·sub·tle su·per·sub·tle·ty su·per·sur·geon su·per·sweet su·per·tank·er su·per·ter·rif·ic su·per·thick su·per·thin su·per·thril·ler su·per·tight su·per·vir·ile su·per·vir·tu·o·so su·per·wave su·per·weap·on su·per·wide su·per·wife


İngilizce Super- kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
pref. super-, sobre-


İngilizce Super- kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
pref. super-


İngilizce Super- kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
pref. sovra, iper-, super-


ek. ek, fazla, ilâve, üstün, üstünde, üzerinde


Fransızca Super- kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
pref. super-


İtalyanca Super- kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
pref. super-


İspanyolca Super- kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
pref. super-, over-, ultra-, mega-


Flemenkçe Super- kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
pref. super-, supra-


İngilizce Super- kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
pref. boven-, over, super-, opper-


Fransızca Super- kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
pref. ober-


Almanca Super- kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. super pref. hyper-


Almanca Super- kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
pref. super-


İspanyolca Super- kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
pref. über-, super-