
Supply Haritası


1. anlamı elastikiyet, esnek, yumuşatmak, supplenessesneklik; uysal, başkalarının suyuna giden, yatkın; kolayca eğilip bükülebilir, s, yumuşak, esnek, elastiki.
2. anlamı teçhiz, tedarik; ihtiyacı karşılamak; bir makamı işgal etmek; mevcut; cut off the supplies gerekli ih, vekil; gereç, erzak, malzeme, çoğ, levazım; tatmin etmek; tedarik etmek, f, temin etmek, sağlamak; yerini doldurmak, telafi etmek; temin, stok miktar,.
3. anlamı vermek. tedarik etmek. sağlamak. tedarik. temin. sağlama sistemi. mevcut. stok miktar. sağlanması gerekli miktar. verilmesi gerekli oran.


Supply İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Supply anlamları

  1. (noun) A person who fills a place for a time; one who supplies the place of another; a substitute; esp., a clergyman who supplies a vacant pulpit.
  2. (noun) The food, and the like, which meets the daily necessities of an army or other large body of men; store; -- used chiefly in the plural; as, the army was discontented for lack of supplies.
  3. (v. t.) To give; to bring or furnish; to provide; as, to supply money for the war.
  4. (a.) Serving to contain, deliver, or regulate a supply of anything; as, a supply tank or valve.
  5. (v. t.) To fill up, or keep full; to furnish with what is wanted; to afford, or furnish with, a sufficiency; as, rivers are supplied by smaller streams; an aqueduct supplies an artificial lake; -- often followed by with before the thing furnished; as, to supply a furnace with fuel; to supply soldiers with ammunition.
  6. (noun) An amount of money provided, as by Parliament or Congress, to meet the annual national expenditures; generally in the plural; as, to vote supplies.
  7. (noun) That which supplies a want; sufficiency of things for use or want.
  8. (noun) The act of supplying; supplial.
  9. (v. t.) To serve instead of; to take the place of.
  10. (noun) Auxiliary troops or reenforcements.
  11. (v. t.) To fill temporarily; to serve as substitute for another in, as a vacant place or office; to occupy; to have possession of; as, to supply a pulpit.

Supply tanım:

Kelime: sup·ple
Söyleniş: 's&-p&l also 'sü-
İşlev: adjective
Türleri: sup·pler /-p(&-)l&r/; sup·plest /-p(&-)l&st/
Kökeni: Middle English souple, from Middle French, from Latin supplic-, supplex entreating for mercy, suppliant, perhaps from sub- -plic- (akin to plicare to fold) -- more at PLY
1 a : compliant often to the point of obsequiousness b : readily adaptable or responsive to new situations
2 a : capable of being bent or folded without creases, cracks, or breaks : PLIANT supple leather b : able to perform bending or twisting movements with ease and grace : LIMBER supple legs of a dancer c : easy and fluent without stiffness or awkwardness sang with a lively, supple voice -- Douglas Watt
synonym see ELASTIC
- sup·ple·ly /-p&(l)-lE/ or sup·ply /-p(&-)lE/ adverb
- sup·ple·ness /-p&l-n&s/ noun

Supply ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Add, Append, Cater, Furnish, Issue, Ply, Provide, Provision, Render, Supplying,

Supply ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Demand, Recall,


İngilizce Supply kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. suministro, abastecimiento, abasto, acopio, almacenamiento, aprovisionamiento, avituallamiento, existencia, fuente, municionamiento, proveimiento, provisión, suministración, surtimiento
v. suplir, abastar, abastecer, alimentar, aprovisionar, avituallar, bastimentar, dar abasto, deparar, pertrechar, proporcionar, proveer, servir, suministrar, surtir


İngilizce Supply kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. approvisionnement, fourniture; provision; fonds; stock; ressources, vivres
v. fournir, pourvoir, munir, équiper; compenser par, alimenter; approvisionner; remplacer temporairement


İngilizce Supply kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Versorgung, Lieferung; Füllung; Angebot; Versorgung; Vorrat; Nachschub
v. liefern; herausgeben; ausstatten


İngilizce Supply kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. fornitura, rifornimento, approvvigionamento, provvista; dotazione; disponibilità; (Econ) offerta; sostituto temporaneo, supplente; (Rel) vicario temporaneo, facente funzioni
v. fornire, rifornire, provvedere, dotare; soddisfare, far fronte a, appagare, sopperire a; approvvigionare, vettovagliare; occupare


İngilizce Supply kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. fornecimento; estoque; oferta; suprimento, abastecimento
v. suprir; fornecer, abastecer; equipar


s. besleme, ikmal, karşılayan, sağlayan, tedarik eden, başkasının yerine bakan, vekil
i. karşılama, sağlama, tedarik, verme, arz, sunu, miktar, mevcut, vekil, yerine geçen kimse, bütçe, ödenek, erzak, levazım, ikmal malzemesi
zf. esnek olarak, elastik olarak, uysalca, uyumlu biçimde


İngilizce Supply kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. proviand, voorraad; voorzien van, aanbod, opslag, bevoorrading, goederen, levering
ww. levering, aflevering, bevoorrading


n. act of providing; provision, something that is supplied; reserve, stock; quantity of a commodity available for purchase (Economics)
v. provide something that is needed or desired; furnish, equip; make up for, compensate for; temporarily substitute for

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