
Kısaca: Telerobotik, robotiğin bir bölümü olup robotları uzaktan kumanda etmeyi hedefler. Bu, genellikle Bluetooth, Deep Space Network ya da Wi-Fi gibi kablosuz bağlantılarla veya İnternet üzerinden yapılmaktadır. Teleişlem ve uzaktan mevcudiyet adlı iki alt sahanın birleşmesinden oluşur. ...devamı ☟


Telerobotik, robotiğin bir bölümü olup robotları uzaktan kumanda etmeyi hedefler. Bu, genellikle Bluetooth, Deep Space Network ya da Wi-Fi gibi kablosuz bağlantılarla veya İnternet üzerinden yapılmaktadır.


ve uzaktan mevcudiyet adlı iki alt sahanın birleşmesinden oluşur. Teleişlem


, bir makinenin belli bir uzaklıktan çalıştırılmasıdır. "Uzaktan kumanda" kavramına benzer, fakat genelde araştırma, akademik ve teknik çevrelerde kullanılır. En yaygın olarak robotik ve mobil robotlarla ilişkilendirilse de bir makinenin bir veya birkaç kişi tarafından uzaktan çalıştırılması gibi durumlarda da uygulanabilir.


, araştırmacı ve teknik topluluklarda standart bir kavram olup uzaktan çalıştırılma konusunda diğer benzer terimlerin yanında çok daha yaygındır. Bu durum, İngilizcesi ", yani uzaktan mevcudiyet olan ikinci kavram için tam aksi olup varlık veya etkileşimi içeren birçok alanda standart bir terim olmaktadır. Telemanipülatör (veya teleoperatör), canlı bir operatör tarafından uzaktan kontrol edilen bir cihazdır. Böyle bir cihazın özerk çalışması mümkünse telerobot adını alır. Eğer aygıt tamamen özerkse (otonom) robot denir. Basit durumlarda kontrol operatörünün kumanda etmesi doğrudan kontrol edilen cihazdaki eylemlere karşılıktır. Örnek olarak radyo kontrollü bir model uçak veya kablolu derin deniz denizaltıları gösterilebilir. Haberleşme gecikmesi, uzaktaki bir gezegen gezgininde () olduğu gibi doğrudan kontrolü elverişsiz yapıyor veya operatörün iş yükünü azaltmak gerekiyorsa cihaz doğrudan kumanda edilmeyecek, bunun yerine belirtilmiş bir yolu takip etmesi emredilecektir. Artan kapsamlılıkta cihaz bir dereceye kadar özerk hareket edebilir. Mesela engelden kaçınma konusu, en çok gezegen gezginlerinde () kullanılmaktadır. Devices designed to allow the operator to control a robot at a distance is sometimes called telecheric robotics. Two major components of Telerobotics and Telepresence are the visual and control applications. A remote camera provides a visual representation of the view from the robot. Placing the robotic camera in a perspective that allows intuitive control is a recent technique that although based in Science Fiction (Robert A. Heinlein's Waldo 1942) has not been fruitful as the speed, resolution and bandwidth have only recently been adequate to the task of being able to control the robot camera in a meaningful way. Using a head mounted display, the control of the camera can be facilitated by tracking the head as shown in the figure below. This only works if the user feels comfortable with the latency of the system, the lag in the response to movements, and the visual representation. Any issues such as, inadequate resolution, latency of the video image, lag in the mechanical and computer processing of the movement and response, and optical distortion due to camera lens and head mounted display lenses, can cause the user 'simulator sickness' that is exacerbated by the lack of vestibular stimulation with visual representation of motion. Mismatch between the users motions such as registration errors, lag in movement response due to overfiltering, inadequate resolution for small movements, and slow speed can contribute to these problems. The same technology can control the robot, but then the eye–hand coordination issues become even more pervasive through the system, and user tension or frustration can make the system difficult to use. Ironically, the tendency to build robots has been to minimize the degrees of freedom because that reduces the control problems. Recent improvements in computers has shifted the emphasis to more degrees of freedom, allowing robotic devices that seem more intelligent and more human in their motions. This also allows more direct teleoperation as the user can control the robot with their own motions. Arayüzler A telerobotic interface can be as simple as a common MMK (monitor-mouse-keyboard) interface. While this is not immersive, it is inexpensive. Telerobotics driven by internet connections are often of this type. A valuable modification to MMK is a joystick, which provides a more intuitive navigation scheme for planar robot movement. Dedicated telepresence setups utilize a head mounted display with either single or dual eye display, and an ergonomically matched interface with joystick and related button, slider, trigger controls. Future interfaces will merge fully immersive virtual reality interfaces and port real-time video instead of computer-generated images. Another example would be to use an omnidirectional treadmill with an immersive display system so that the robot is driven by the person walking or running. Additional modifications may include merged data displays such as Infrared thermal imaging, real-time threat assessment, or device schematics. ==UygulamalarUzay için telerobotik With the exception of the Apollo program most space exploration has been conducted with telerobotic space probes. Most space-based astronomy, for example, has been conducted with telerobotic telescopes. The Russian Lunokhod-1 mission, for example, put a remotely-driver rover on the moon, which was driven in real time (with a 2.5-second lightspeed time delay) by human operators on the ground. Robotic planetary exploration programs use spacecraft that are programmed by humans at ground stations, essentially achieving a long time-delay form of telerobotic operation. Recent noteworthy examples include the Mars exploration rovers (MER) and the Curiosity rover. In the case of the MER mission, the spacecraft and the rover operated on stored programs, with the rover drivers on the ground programming each day's operation. The International Space Station (ISS) uses a two-armed telemanipulator called Dextre. More recently, a humanoid robot Robonaut has been added to the space station for telerobotic experiments. NASA has proposed use of highly-capable telerobotic systems for future planetary exploration using human exploration from orbit. In a concept for Mars Exploration proposed by Landis, a precursor mission to Mars could be done in which the human vehicle brings a crew to Mars, but remains in orbit rather than landing on the surface, while a highly-capable remote robot is operated in real time on the surface. Such a system would go beyond the simple long time delay robotics and move to a regime of virtual telepresence on the planet. One study of this concept, the Human Exploration using Real-time Robotic Operations (HERRO) concept, suggested that such a mission could be used to explore a wide variety of planetary destinations.]]

Deniz kuvvetleri uygulamaları

Marine remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are widely used to work in water too deep or too dangerous for divers. They repair offshore oil platforms and attach cables to sunken ships to hoist them. They are usually attached by a tether to a control center on a surface ship. The wreck of the Titanic was explored by an ROV, as well as by a crew-operated vessel.


Additionally, a lot of telerobotic research is being done in the field of medical devices, and minimally invasive surgical systems. With a robotic surgery system, a surgeon can work inside the body through tiny holes just big enough for the manipulator, with no need to open up the chest cavity to allow hands inside.

Başka telerobotik uygulamalar

Remote manipulators are used to handle radioactive materials. Telerobotics has been used in installation art pieces; Telegarden is an example of a project where a robot was operated by users through the Web.

KaynaklarAyrıca bakınız== * Astrobotic Technology * Lunokhod * Remote manipulator * Robonaut * Spirit * UWA Telerobot

Dış bağlantılar

* Double Robotics Taking on Telepresence with Mobile iPad Base (İngilizce) * NASA Telerobotics (İngilizce). * NASA Telerobotics Program Plan (İngilizce). * TeMo - Telerobotics over Mobile packet data services (İngilizce) * Telerobotics and Telepistemology Bibliography compiled by Ken Goldberg for Leonardo/ISAST (İngilizce) * Being There, ProAV Magazine, 7 November 2008 (İngilizce) * "The Boss Is Robotic, and Rolling Up Behind You" article by John Markoff in The New York Times September 4, 2010 (İngilizce) * RoboDynamics Reveals Hard Truth About Telepresence Robots (İngilizce) * Astrobotik (İngilizce)

