

1. anlamı tutulabilir, savunulabilir.
2. anlamı savunulabilir. (of ile) elde tutulabilir.


Tenable İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Tenable anlamları

  1. (a.) Capable of being held, naintained, or defended, as against an assailant or objector, or againts attempts to take or process; as, a tenable fortress, a tenable argument.

Tenable tanım:

Kelime: ten·a·ble
Söyleniş: 'te-n&-b&l
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle French, from Old French, from tenir to hold, from Latin tenEre -- more at THIN
: capable of being held, maintained, or defended : DEFENSIBLE, REASONABLE
- ten·a·bil·i·ty /"te-n&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun
- ten·a·ble·ness noun
- ten·a·bly /'te-n&-blE/ adverb