Thinly İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Thinly anlamları
- (a.) In a thin manner; in a loose, scattered manner; scantily; not thickly; as, ground thinly planted with trees; a country thinly inhabited.
Thinly tanım:
Kelime: thin
Söyleniş: 'thin
İşlev: adjective
Türleri: thin·ner; thin·nest
Kökeni: Middle English thinne, from Old English thynne; akin to Old High German dunni thin, Latin tenuis thin, tenEre to hold, tendere to stretch, Greek teinein
1 a : having little extent from one surface to its opposite thin paper b : measuring little in cross section or diameter thin rope
2 : not dense in arrangement or distribution thin hair
3 : not well fleshed : LEAN
4 a : more fluid or rarefied than normal thin air b : having less than the usual number : SCANTY thin attendance c : few in number : SCARCE d : scantily supplied e : characterized by a paucity of bids or offerings a thin market
5 a : lacking substance or strength thin broth a thin plot b of a soil : INFERTILE, POOR
6 a : FLIMSY, UNCONVINCING a thin disguise b : disappointingly poor or hard had a thin time of it
7 : somewhat feeble, shrill, and lacking in resonance a thin voice
8 : lacking in intensity or brilliance thin light
9 : lacking sufficient photographic density or contrast
- thin·ly adverb
- thin·ness

- thin·nish

synonyms THIN, SLENDER, SLIM, SLIGHT, TENUOUS mean not thick, broad, abundant, or dense. THIN implies comparatively little extension between surfaces or in diameter, or it may imply lack of substance, richness, or abundance thin wire a thin soup . SLENDER implies leanness or spareness often with grace and good proportion the slender legs of a Sheraton chair . SLIM applies to slenderness that suggests fragility or scantiness a slim volume of poetry a slim chance . SLIGHT implies smallness as well as thinness a slight build . TENUOUS implies extreme thinness, sheerness, or lack of substance and firmness a tenuous thread .
Thinly ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler
Lightly, Thin,Thinly
İngilizce Thinly kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.adv. delgadamente; apenas
İngilizce Thinly kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.adv. légèrement; en rareté; en couche mince
İngilizce Thinly kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.adv. dünn; schütter; schwach; dürftig
İngilizce Thinly kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.avv. sottilmente, finemente, in modo sottile; in modo rado
İngilizce Thinly kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.adv. de forma fina; de forma delgada; de forma tênue; com clareza
İngilizce Thinly kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.bw. met een dunne laag