Timothy Leary

Kısaca: Timothy Francis Leary (22 Ekim 1920- 31 Mayıs 1996) Amerikalı yazar, ruhbilimci ve bilgisayar yazılımcısı. Karşıt kültür ikonu olarak özellikle LSD başta olmak üzere psikotrop (uyuşturcu) maddelerin araştırılması ve kullanımını savunmuştur. ...devamı ☟

Timothy Francis Leary (22 Ekim 1920- 31 Mayıs 1996) Amerikalı yazar, ruhbilimci ve bilgisayar yazılımcısı. Karşıt kültür ikonu olarak özellikle LSD başta olmak üzere psikotrop (uyuşturcu) maddelerin araştırılması ve kullanımını savunmuştur.

İrlanda kökenli bir Amerikalı diş hekimi babanın oğlu olaraka Springfield, Massachusetts de dünyaya gelmiştir.


  • ``Intelligence Agents``. Leary, Timothy. 1996. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1561840386)
  • ``Game of Life``. Leary, Timothy. 1989. New Falcon Publications. (ISBN 0941404641).
  • ``Change Your Brain``. Leary, Timothy. 1988. (ISBN 1579510175)
  • ``Info-Psychology: A Revision of Exo-Psychology``. Leary, Timothy. 1988. Falcon Pr. (ISBN 0941404609)
  • ``Your Brain is God``. Leary, Timothy. 1988. (ISBN 1579510523)
  • ``Info-Psychology``. Leary, Timothy. 1987. (ISBN 1-56184-105-6)
  • ``What Does Woman Want``. Leary, Timothy. 1987. New Falcon Publications. (ISBN 0941404625)
  • ``Flashbacks``. Leary, Timothy. 1983. (ISBN 0874774977)
  • ``Flashbacks``. Leary, Timothy. 1983. Tarcher. (ISBN 0874771773)
  • ``Changing My Mind Among Others``. Leary, Timothy. 1982. Prentice Hall Trade. (ISBN 0131278290)
  • ``Confessions of a Hope Fiend``. Leary, Timothy. 1973.
  • ``High Priest``. Leary, Timothy. 1968. (ISBN 0914171801)
  • ``Start Your Own Religion``. Leary, Timothy. 1967. (ISBN 1579510736)
  • ``Psychedelic Prayers & Other Meditations``. Leary, Timothy. 1966. (ISBN 0914171844)
  • ``The Politics of Ecstasy``. Leary, Timothy. 1965. (ISBN 091417133x)
  • ``The Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality``. Leary, Timothy. 1957.
  • ``Design for Dying``. Leary, Timothy, with Sirius, R. U. 1997. HarperCollins Publishers Inc. ISBN 0-06-018700-X (cloth); ISBN 0-06-092866-2 (pbk.); ISBN 0-06-018250-4 (intl).
  • ``Concrete & Buckshot: William S. Burroughs Paintings``. Leary, Timothy and Benjamin Weissman. 1996. Smart Art Press. (ISBN 1889195014)
  • ``Surfing the Conscious Nets: A Graphic Novel``. Leary, Timothy and Robert Williams. 1995. Last Gap. (ISBN 0867194103)
  • ``Chaos and Cyber Culture``. Leary, Timothy and Michael Horowitz, Vicki Marshall. 1994. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 0914171771)
  • ``Final Secret of the Illuminati`` Wilson, Robert Anton and Timothy Leary. 1978. Pocket. (ISBN 0671816691)
  • ``Mystery, magic & miracle;: Religion in a post-Aquarian age, (A Spectrum book)``. Heenan, Edward F. and Jack Fritscher, Timothy Leary. 1973. Prentice-Hall. (ISBN 013609032X)
  • ``A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead``. Leary, Timothy and Metzner, Ralph, Alpert, Richard, Karma-Glin-Pa Bar Do Thos Grol. 1964. (ISBN 0806516526)
  • ``Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality: A Functional Theory and Methodology for Personality Evaluation``. Leary, Timothy. 2004. Resource Publications. (ISBN 1592447767)
  • ``Evolutionary Agents``. Leary, Timothy and Beverly A. Potter. 2004. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1579510647)
  • ``Musings on Human Metamorphoses``. Leary, Timothy. 2002. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1579510582)
  • ``The Politics of Psychopharmacology``. Leary, Timothy. 2001. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1579510566)
  • ``Politics of Self-Determination (Self-Mastery Series)``. Leary, Timothy. 2001. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1579510159)
  • ``Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out``. Leary, Timothy. 1999. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1579510094)
  • ``The Delicious Grace of Moving One`s Hand: The Collected Sex Writings`` Leary, Timothy. 1999. Thunder`s Mouth Press. (ISBN 1560251816)
  • ``El Trip de La Muerte``. Leary, Timothy. 1998. Editorial Kairos. SPANISH. (ISBN 8472454088)
  • ``The Lost Beatles Interviews`` Leary, Timothy (Afterword) and Geoffrey Giuliano, Brenda Giuliano. 1996. Plume. (ISBN 0452270251)
  • ``HR GIGER ARh+``. Giger, H. R., with Leary, Timothy. 1994. Benedikt Taschen Verlag. (ISBN 382289642X)
  • ``Uncommon Quotes: Timothy Leary``. Leary, Timothy. Audio tape. 1990. Pub Group West. (ISBN 0929856015)



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