

1. anlamı kitap başlşığı, serlevha, i, başlık; istihkak, tasarruf hakkı; lakap veya ünvan vermek; rütbe ismi; title deed tapu senedi, kitaba ad koymak, ba, title page baş sayfa, tasarruf belgiti; isim, ünvan, lakap; tapu, tasarruf se nedi.
2. anlamı başlık. isim. sıfat. ünvan. ad. marka. hak. sahiplik. istihkak. şampiyonluk.
3. anlamı baslik. ad. unvan. hak. istihkak. sampiyonluk. tasarruf hakki.


Title İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Title anlamları

  1. (noun) A church to which a priest was ordained, and where he was to reside.
  2. (noun) An appellation of dignity, distinction, or preeminence (hereditary or acquired), given to persons, as duke marquis, honorable, esquire, etc.
  3. (noun) The inscription in the beginning of a book, usually containing the subject of the work, the author's and publisher's names, the date, etc.
  4. (noun) An inscription put over or upon anything as a name by which it is known.
  5. (noun) The panel for the name, between the bands of the back of a book.
  6. (noun) That which constitutes a just cause of exclusive possession; that which is the foundation of ownership of property, real or personal; a right; as, a good title to an estate, or an imperfect title.
  7. (noun) A section or division of a subject, as of a law, a book, specif. (Roman & Canon Laws), a chapter or division of a law book.
  8. (noun) That by which a beneficiary holds a benefice.
  9. (noun) To call by a title; to name; to entitle.
  10. (noun) A name; an appellation; a designation.
  11. (noun) The instrument which is evidence of a right.

Title tanım:

Kelime: ti·tle
Söyleniş: 'tI-t&l
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin titulus inscription, title
1 a obsolete : INSCRIPTION b : written material introduced into a motion picture or television program to give credits, explain an action, or represent dialogue -- usually used in plural
2 a : all the elements constituting legal ownership b : a legally just cause of exclusive possession c : the instrument (as a deed) that is evidence of a right
3 a : something that justifies or substantiates a claim b : an alleged or recognized right
4 a : a descriptive or general heading (as of a chapter in a book) b : the heading which names an act or statute c : the heading of a legal action or proceeding
5 a : the distinguishing name of a written, printed, or filmed production b : a similar distinguishing name of a musical composition or a work of art
6 : a descriptive name : APPELLATION
7 : a division of an instrument, book, or bill; especially : one larger than a section or article
8 a : an appellation of dignity, honor, distinction, or preeminence attached to a person or family by virtue of rank, office, precedent, privilege, attainment, or lands b : a person holding a title especially of nobility
9 : a written work as distinguished from a particular copy published 25 titles last year
10 : CHAMPIONSHIP 1 won the batting title

Title ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Championship, Claim, Deed, Entitle, Rubric,


İngilizce Title kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. título, encabezamiento; diploma; campeonato; rango, antenombre, distingo, nombradía, tratamiento
v. titular, poner etiqueta a, poner subtítulos, conferir título a


İngilizce Title kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. titre, intitulé; droit; acte, propriété; titre de noblesse; titre de champion
v. intituler (un livre); avoir un titre (de noblesse)


İngilizce Title kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Titel, Ehrentitel; Überschrift; Recht; Besitzrecht; Meisterschaft
v. nennen, titulieren


İngilizce Title kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. titolo, intitolazione; appellativo, designazione, nome; libro, pubblicazione; diritto; (Dir) titolo di proprietà; titulus canonicus
v. intitolare, dare un titolo a


İngilizce Title kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. título; rótulo; denominação honorífica; atributo; direito; posse; vitória num campeonato
v. entitular, rotular


i. başlık, isim, sıfat, ünvan, ad, marka, hak, sahiplik


İngilizce Title kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. titel, rang, eretitel, kop (in een krant), titel (van een boek); recht; eigendom; kampioenschap
ww. bij naam noemen; in de koppen (van de krant) zetten


n. distinctive appellation denoting rank or achievement; heading, caption; right; ownership; championship
v. call by a title, furnish with a caption or heading

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