

1. anlamı müzik sesi; ses rengi; tarz, tone poem müz, tavır, tone color müz, ses rengi; renk tonu, güz; perde, ton; nitelik; tıb, vücudun veya uzvun sıhhatli hali, beden kuvveti; perde ve süresi itibariyle ses, nitelik; aralık, müz; fikir hali; ses, ses tonu, re.
2. anlamı ses. ses tonu. ton. perde. renk tonu. tarz. tavır. hava.
3. anlamı ses. ses tonu. ton. perde. renk tonu. tarz. tavir. hava. tonus. tonlamak. (vücudu) güçlendirmek.


Tone tanım:

Kelime: tone
Söyleniş: 'tOn
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin tonus tension, tone, from Greek tonos, literally, act of stretching; akin to Greek teinein to stretch -- more at THIN
1 : vocal or musical sound of a specific quality spoke in low tones masculine tones ; especially : musical sound with respect to timbre and manner of expression
2 a : a sound of definite pitch and vibration b : WHOLE STEP
3 : accent or inflection expressive of a mood or emotion
4 : the pitch of a word often used to express differences of meaning
5 : a particular pitch or change of pitch constituting an element in the intonation of a phrase or sentence high tone low tone mid tone low-rising tone falling tone
6 : style or manner of expression in speaking or writing seemed wise to adopt a conciliatory tone
7 a (1) : color quality or value (2) : a tint or shade of color b : the color that appreciably modifies a hue or white or black gray walls of greenish tone
8 : the effect in painting of light and shade together with color
9 a : the state of a living body or of any of its organs or parts in which the functions are healthy and performed with due vigor b : normal tension or responsiveness to stimuli; specifically : muscular tonus
10 a : healthy elasticity : RESILIENCY b : general character, quality, or trend a city's upbeat tone c : frame of mind : MOOD


İngilizce Tone kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. tono, acento; entonación; color
v. entonar, dar tono a, modificar el tono de; afinar, templar


İngilizce Tone kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. ton, son, sonnerie, tintement; timbre; atmosphère, couleur locale, aspect, nature
v. donner un ton ou un son; teinter, colorer, ajouter de la couleur


İngilizce Tone kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Ton; Stimmung; Tonfall; Geist, Haltung
v. tönen


İngilizce Tone kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. tono; tonalità; nota; carattere stilistico; stile; (fam) distinzione; gradazione; (Fot) colore della positiva; (Econ) tendenza
v. dare un tono a; (Mus) dare il tono a; sfumare, smorzare; (Pitt) dare il tono desiderato a; (Fot) virare; (Med) tonificare, dare tono a, rinvigorire


İngilizce Tone kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. tom, som; aspecto, forma
v. gratificar um som ou tom


f. hava vermek, tarz vermek, ahenk vermek, tonunu ayarlamak, ayarlamak, uymak, uyuşmak
i. ses, perde, ton, güç, sağlıklı hal, tavır, ruh hali


İngilizce Tone kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. toon, klank; intonatie; stemming
ww. stemmen, tinten; kleuren; versterken; temperen, verzachten, afzwakken; harmoniëren, goed passen bij


n. sound, ring; atmosphere
v. give a sound or ring; give a color or tint
n. sound, tone, pip, note; intonation, rise and fall of the voice in speech; clay, type of soil used to make pottery and bricks, soil which contains high percentage of silicates of aluminum

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