1. anlamı sert, sağlam, baş belâsı, zorlu, kabadayı, dayanıklı, çetin, sert kimse. 2. anlamı kabadayılık, dayanıklılık, sertlik, belâlılık, zorluk, inatçılık. 3. anlamı tokluk. dayanıklılık.
Toughness İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Toughness anlamları
(noun) The quality or state of being tough.
Toughness tanım:
Kelime: tough Söyleniş:'t&f İşlev:adjective Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English tOh; akin to Old High German zAhi tough 1 a : strong or firm in texture but flexible and not brittle b : not easily chewed 2: GLUTINOUS, STICKY 3 : characterized by severity or uncompromising determination 4 : capable of enduring strain, hardship, or severe labor 5 : very hard to influence : STUBBORN 6 : difficult to accomplish, resolve, endure, or deal with a tough question tough luck 7 : stubbornly fought a tough contest 8: UNRULY, ROWDYISH 9 : marked by absence of softness or sentimentality synonym see STRONG - tough·lyadverb - tough·nessnoun