
TTL ile ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı sayfamız: Time to live


TTL Total
TTL Time To Live (IP networking)
TTL Through The Lens (camera)
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
TTL Tietotekniikan Liiton
TTL Through The Line (advertising)
TTL Time to Leave
TTL Task Team Leader
TTL Tagging, Tracking and Locating
TTL Type To Learn
TTL Tax Title & License
TTL Technical Team Leader
TTL Ticket Time Limit
TTL Torpedo Tube Launch
TTL To Take Leave
TTL Tribal Trust Land (land tenure designation)
TTL Trauma Team Leader (emergency room; usually a staff surgeon)
TTL Time to Laugh
TTL Temporary Traffic Lights
TTL Time Tracking Loop
TTL Treasury Tax & Loan
TTL Tractor Test Laboratory (University of Nebraska)
TTL Transamerica Trailer Leasing Ltd.
TTL Total Track Life
TTL Task Table Listing
TTL Total Terminals International (shipping)
TTL Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch (educational institution of the Lubavitch movement)
TTL Tool-Trend Line
TTL Transition Time Length (jitter)