

1. anlamı di, k; ödünü koparma, korkutma; yön; nöbet, sıra; dolaşma, gezme; viraj; yetenek, istidat, kabiliyet; gidip gelme; biçim; deveran, dönüş devir; oyun sırası; nevi, tarz; dönemeç, sapak; yönelme, istikameti çevirme, sapış, yön değiştirme; muamele; doğrult.
2. anlamı yoldan sapma veya çıkma; dönme, dönüş; dönüş, dönemeç, turn dön/döndür, turning point dönüm noktası, dönüş yeri.
3. anlamı dönemeç.


Turning İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Turning anlamları

  1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Turn
  2. (noun) The place of a turn; an angle or corner, as of a road.
  3. (noun) A maneuver by which an enemy or a position is turned.
  4. (noun) The pieces, or chips, detached in the process of turning from the material turned.
  5. (noun) Deviation from the way or proper course.
  6. (noun) The act of one who, or that which, turns; also, a winding; a bending course; a fiexure; a meander.
  7. (noun) Turnery, or the shaping of solid substances into various by means of a lathe and cutting tools.

Turning tanım:

Kelime: turn
Söyleniş: 't&rn
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English; partly from Old English tyrnan & turnian to turn, from Medieval Latin tornare, from Latin, to turn on a lathe, from tornus lathe, from Greek tornos; partly from Old French torner, tourner to turn, from Medieval Latin tornare; akin to Latin terere to rub -- more at THROW
transitive senses
1 a : to cause to move around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve turn a wheel turn a crank b (1) : to cause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting) turned the knob till the door opened (2) : to affect or alter the functioning of (as a mechanical device) by such movement turned the oven to a higher temperature c : to execute or perform by rotating or revolving turn handsprings d : to twist out of line or shape : WRENCH had turned his ankle
2 a (1) : to cause to change position by moving through an arc of a circle turned her chair to the fire (2) : to cause to move around a center so as to show another side of turn the page (3) : to cause (as a scale) to move so as to register weight b : to revolve mentally : think over : PONDER
3 a : to reverse the sides or surfaces of : INVERT turn pancakes turn the shirt inside out : as (1) : to dig or plow so as to bring the lower soil to the surface (2) : to make (as a garment) over by reversing the material and resewing turn a collar (3) : to invert feet up and face down (as a character, rule, or slug) in setting type b : to reverse or upset the order or disposition of everything was turned topsy-turvy c : to disturb or upset the mental balance of : DERANGE, UNSETTLE a mind turned by grief d : to set in another especially contrary direction
4 a : to bend or change the course of : DIVERT b : to cause to retreat used fire hoses to turn the mob c : to alter the drift, tendency, or expected result of d : to bend a course around or about : ROUND turned the corner at full speed
5 a (1) : to direct or point (as the face) in a specified way or direction (2) : to present by a change in direction or position turning his back to his guests b : to bring to bear (as by aiming, pointing, or focusing) : TRAIN turned the light into the dark doorway turned a questioning eye toward her c : to direct (as the attention or mind) toward or away from something d : to direct the employment of : APPLY, DEVOTE turned his skills to the service of mankind e (1) : to cause to rebound or recoil turns their argument against them (2) : to make antagonistic : PREJUDICE turn a child against its mother f (1) : to cause to go in a particular direction turned our steps homeward (2) : DRIVE, SEND turn cows to pasture turning hunters off his land (3) : to convey or direct into or out of a receptacle by inverting
6 a (1) : to make acid or sour (2) : to change the color of (as foliage) b (1) : CONVERT, TRANSFORM turn defeat into victory (2) : TRANSLATE, PARAPHRASE c : to cause to become of a specified nature or appearance turned him into a frog illness turned her hair white d : to exchange for something else turn coins into paper money e : to cause to defect to another side
7 a : to shape especially in a rounded form by applying a cutting tool while revolving in a lathe b : to give a rounded form to by any means turn the heel of a sock c : to shape or mold artistically, gracefully, or neatly a well turned phrase
8 : to make a fold, bend, or curve in: a : to form by bending turn a lead pipe b : to cause (the edge of a blade) to bend back or over : BLUNT, DULL
9 a : to keep (as money or goods) moving; specifically : to dispose of (a stock) to make room for another b : to gain in the course of business turning a quick profit c : to make use of turned her education to advantage d : to carry to completion turned a double play
10 : to engage in (an act of prostitution) turn tricks
intransitive senses
1 a : to move around on an axis or through an arc of a circle : ROTATE b : to become giddy or dizzy : SPIN heights always made his head turn c (1) : to have as a decisive factor : HINGE the argument turns on a point of logic the outcome of the game turned on an interception (2) : to have a center (as of interest) in something specified
2 a : to direct one's course b (1) : to reverse a course or direction (2) : to have a reactive usually adverse effect : RECOIL c : to take a different course or direction turned toward home the main road turns sharply to the right
3 a : to change position so as to face another way b : to face toward or away from someone or something c : to change one's attitude or reverse one's course of action to one of opposition or hostility felt the world had turned against him d : to make a sudden violent assault especially without evident cause dogs turning on their owners
4 a : to direct one's attention or thoughts to or away from someone or something b (1) : to change one's religion (2) : to go over to another side or party : DEFECT c : to have recourse : REFER, RESORT turned to a friend for help turned to his notes for the exact figures d : to direct one's efforts or interests : devote or apply oneself turned to the study of the law
5 a : to become changed, altered, or transformed: as (1) archaic : to become different (2) : to change color the leaves have turned (3) : to become sour, rancid, or tainted the milk had turned (4) : to be variable or inconstant (5) : to become mentally unbalanced : become deranged b (1) : to pass from one state to another : CHANGE water had turned to ice (2) : BECOME, GROW his hair had turned gray the weather turned bad just turned twenty (3) : to become someone or something specified by change from another state : change into turn pro doctors turned authors
6 : to become curved or bent (as from pressure); especially : to become blunted by bending edge of the knife had turned
7 : to operate a lathe
8 of merchandise : to be stocked and disposed of : change hands
- turn·able /'t&r-n&-b&l/ adjective
- turn a blind eye : to refuse to see : be oblivious might turn a blind eye to the use of violence -- Arthur Krock
- turn a deaf ear : to refuse to listen
- turn a hair : to give a sign of distress or disturbance did not turn a hair when told of the savage murder -- Times Literary Supplement
- turn color 1 : to become of a different color 2 a : BLUSH, FLUSH b : to grow pale
- turn loose 1 a : to set free turned loose the captured animal b : to free from all restraints turned them loose with a pile of theme paper to write whatever they liked -- Elizabeth P. Schafer 2 : to fire off : DISCHARGE 3 : to open fire
- turn one's back on 1 : REJECT, DENY would be turning one's back on history -- Pius Walsh 2 : FORSAKE turned his back on his obligations
- turn one's hand or turn a hand : to set to work : apply oneself
- turn one's head : to cause to become infatuated or conceited success had not turned his head
- turn one's stomach : to disgust completely : SICKEN, NAUSEATE the foul smell turned his stomach
- turn tail : to turn away so as to flee turned tail and ran
- turn the other cheek : to respond to injury or unkindness with patience : forgo retaliation
- turn the tables : to bring about a reversal of the relative conditions or fortunes of two contending parties
- turn the trick : to bring about the desired result or effect
- turn turtle : CAPSIZE, OVERTURN

Turning ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Revolving, Rotating, Turn, Wheeling,


İngilizce Turning kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. curva; rotación, giro, vuelta


İngilizce Turning kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. virage, embranchement


İngilizce Turning kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[turn] v. drehen; wenden
n. Abzweigung; Abfahrt


İngilizce Turning kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. girata, rotazione; inversione di marcia, dietrofront, giravolta; svolta, curva; (Mecc, Fal) tornitura


İngilizce Turning kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. volta; esquina


s. dönen, döner
i. tornacılık, çevirme, dönme, dönemeç, dönüş, döndürme, köşe


İngilizce Turning kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. wenden; kruispunt


n. action of the person or thing that turns, rotating; place of a change in direction; act of shaping an object on a lathe; object which is shaped on a lathe

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