1 | 20 | | | | }} |- | style="background:purple; color:#130; text-align:center;"| | 2 | 13 | | | | |- | style="background:red; color:#130; text-align:center;"| | 3 | 14 | | | | |- | style="background:#008000; color:#130; text-align:center;"| | 4 | 13 | | | | |- |} ==Bölüm listesiSezon 1: 2010–2011 * Bu sezon 20 bölüm içermektedir. * Bu sezon Ekim 2009 ile Nisan 2010 tarihleri arasında çekilmiştir. * Ülkemizde tüm bölümler dağıtım sırası düzenine göre yayınlanmıştır. * Victoria Justice, Leon Thomas III, Matt Bennett ve Elizabeth Gillies bütün bölümlerde oynamışlardır. * Avan Jogia sadece bir bölümde oynamamıştır. * Ariana Grande sadece iki bölümde oynamamıştır. * Daniella Monet sadece dört bölümde oynamamıştır. } | ProdKodu= 102 | Aux4= 3.5 | KısaÖzet= Tori "Moonlight Magic" oyununda başrol oyuncusu olmayı denemek ister. Ama Sikowitz'e göre bunun için "The Bird Scene"'nin anlamını bilmesi gerekiyordur. Bu arada, Andre ve Robbie kızlarla tanışmak için bale'ye katılır, ama umdukları şey gerçekleşmez. | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 103 | Aux4= N/A | KısaÖzet= Jade ve Tori'nin sahnede mücadelesi olacaktır, bu gerçek bir mücadele olmayacaktır. Tori'nin bastonu Jade'in gözüne isabet eder. Ama Tori bastonun gözüne vurmadığını açıklar fakat kimse ona inanmıyordur. Bu arada Trina, Robbie'yi sahne gereği öper. Robbie bunun gerçek olduğunu düşünüyordur ve Trina'yı takıntılı bir şekilde takip eder. | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 107 | Aux4= 3.2 | KısaÖzet= Trina'nın doğum günü haftasında Tori ona ne hediye alacağı konusunda karar veremez. Andre bir şarkı yazmasını önerir, sonra Tori "The Birthweek Song" şarkısını yazar ve ("You're the Reason") doğum günü partisinde söyler, ancak Trina, Tori para harcamadığı için bu hediyenin pek iyi olduğunu düşünmez. Konuk Oyuncu:Renée Taylor Mamaw, Robbie'nin büyük annesi. Oynamayanlar:Avan Jogia Beck Oliver Söylenen şarkılar: You're the Reason | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 106 | Aux4= 3.3 | KısaÖzet= Beck, ünlü bir sosyete ile takılmaya başlar ve Jade bu durumu kıskanıyordur, bu yüzden Tori'den yardım ister. OynamayanlarAriana Grande Cat Valentine Söylenen şarkılar: Chicago | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 105 | Aux4= 4.1 | KısaÖzet= When Cat uses Tori as her assignment for a make up class, which is to make someone look scary, everything turns out wrong when she makes a zombie mask with a cement glue and it gets stuck to Tori's face. It causes problems when Tori tells her that she is in the lead role of a play and is supposed to look beautiful. .She sends Trina and Cat on a drive to get the cure to the salutation. Guest Stars: Adam Gouldbergh as Murray, the director and Rachel Quinance as Sophia Michele, playwright. Note: Trina's ringtone in this episode is the same ringtone Spencer has in an episode of iCarly. Songs featured: Finally Falling | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 108 | Aux4= N/A | KısaÖzet= Robbie begins filming the personal lives of his friends for his blog called "Robarazzi" on The Slap after his blog is in danger of cancellation. His blog is a hit, but at the expense of his friends. Meanwhile Cat becomes obsessed with purchasing odd things from a catalog called "The Sky Store". Absent:Daniella Monet as Trina Vega | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 117 | Aux4= 3.8 | KısaÖzet= A heat wave hits L.A. and Tori and the gang decide to go to Venice Beach to cool off. But the gang (minus Cat who left to use the restroom) become trapped in Beck's RV when another RV is parked right next to theirs. While they are trapped, Cat is busy partying with four hot guys, completely oblivious to her friends' predicament. Songs featured: Make It Shine | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 118 | Aux4= 3.6 | KısaÖzet= Tori and Trina's flight home gets delayed, so a stressed-out Tori uses web conferencing to work on a group project for school with Andre, Cat and Beck while she is on the plane. While attempting to get it done, the rest of the group keeps getting distracted by many other things around them. Meanwhile, Trina runs into Perez Hilton in first class and steals his camera so she can "return it", hoping it'll make her famous. Special Guest Star:Perez Hilton as himself | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 104 | Aux4= N/A | KısaÖzet= Beck has a small role in a movie starring Melinda Murray, and invites his friends to an open casting call for extras. Tori accidentally gets Beck fired, so she tries to get him his spot in the movie back. Meanwhile, Robbie starts to have strange nightmares about Rex, so he turns to Lane for help. Guest Star:Ellen Hollman as Melinda Murray Absent: Daniella Monet as Trina Vega | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 115 | Aux4= N/A | KısaÖzet= Tori becomes suspicious when her friends start avoiding her. After finding out that they are all members of the school's ping-pong team, she also finds out that they are using the team's funds that they get from the school to eat at a very fancy expensive restaurant, and she wants in. Absent: Daniella Monet as Trina Vega Songs featured: Tell Me That You Love Me | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 112 | Aux4= 2.9 | KısaÖzet= Cat begins dating Tori's ex-boyfriend, Danny, and Tori becomes jealous. Meanwhile, Trina convinces Robbie, Andre, Jade and Beck to indulge their feet in callus-eating fish that she's been buying from some stranger. Guest Star:Matt Angel as Daniel | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 119-120 | Aux4= 5.3 | KısaÖzet= Tori is stuck taking care of Trina who got her wisdom teeth pulled after her parents decide to leave town on the same weekend to avoid Trina's aftermath. Trina ends up being a pain and makes things difficult for Tori while her friends are all visiting a new karaoke establishment called Karaoke Dokie. Jade and Cat are challenged by two girls Hayley and Tara to a sing off. But after getting cheated out of the win, they go to Tori for help and they come up with a plan to upstage Hayley and Tara. Also, Rex has a date with two Northridge girls. Note: The fictional singer/popstar Ginger Fox (as well as two of her hit songs, "Number One" and "Hate Me, Love Me") from the iCarly episode "iFix a Popstar" is referenced. Guest Stars:Jillian Clare as Hayley Ferguson, Jamie Snow as Tara Gang and Tom Virtue as Joey Ferguson Songs featured: Forever Baby, Number One, Hate Me, Love Me, Give It Up, Freak the Freak Out | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 110 | Aux4= N/A | KısaÖzet= Rex is badly damaged when Tori tries to "create a tornado" for a play Andre and Robbie are in. So Tori, Beck, Jade and Cat take Rex to the hospital and everyone agrees to "kill Rex" for Robbie's sake. Meanwhile Andre struggles with forcing himself to cry, and Cat tries to explain Rex's situation to a nurse, but is instead sent to a mental ward. Songs Featured: Forever Baby | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 111 | Aux4= 3.5 | KısaÖzet= Tori and her friends are booked to perform at a little kid's birthday party as a favor for Sikowitz's friend. Also, Andre gets the chance of a lifetime when he gets a call from a record producer he met who says he is interested in signing him to a record deal. But his chances of getting signed are in jeopardy when a video of their birthday party performance is leaked on the internet. So, in order to get his big break, he performs a song with Tori. Songs Featured: Song2You, Favourite Foods, Broken Glass | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 116 | Aux4= 3.6 | KısaÖzet= Tori, Andre, Beck and Jade are excited to hear that they'll be the stars of a new reality show called "The Wood" being filmed at Hollywood Arts. After the producers decide to edit together two separate phone calls making it look like Tori and Beck like each other, they find out that the producers want fake drama. So the group decide to stage the drama for the show. Meanwhile, Robbie and Trina have to work the Grub Truck after injuring Festus, but running it is harder than they first expected. Absent: Ariana Grande as Cat Valentine Songs Featured: Forever Baby (English and Spanish) | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 109 | Aux4= N/A | KısaÖzet= The group are excited to find out that they get to work on a film being directed by Dale Squires. But after he takes all the credit for the film, they plot revenge. Meanwhile, Beck and Robbie work on Robbie's new convertible and Robbie tries to get the attention of girls that come to watch Beck fix the car. Guest Star:Stephen Lunsford as Dale Squires | LineColor=0047AB }} | ProdKodu= 113 | Aux4= 4.1 | KısaÖzet= Sikowitz invites the group over to his house in order to teach them a lesson in method acting. Whoever breaks character is "banished" from Sikowitz's home. The students are assigned: Tori as a lady cop who wears lots of red lipstick and is obsessed with Raisin Bran, Andre as a 9-months pregnant marathon runner, Jade as a sweet farm girl from Alabama who never gets mad, Cat as a 1980s stand-up comedian who is very annoying, Beck as a British man who likes to invade people's personal space, and Robbie as a motivational speaker who has very wobbly and unsteady legs. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Vega attempt to celebrate their anniversary romantically and peacefully, but keep getting interrupted by the students who were eliminated from the acting lesson. Absent: Daniella Monet as Trina Vega Note: At one point when Beck (as his character) is talking to Tori, you can hear him say "Dan Schneider." Also, Andre's grandmother shows up at Sikowitz' home to confront him about his character but it is not explained how she finds Sikowitz' home. | LineColor=0047AB }} |}
Sezon 2: 2011
* This season consists of 13 episodes. * This season was filmed October 2010 to February 2011. * Ülkemizde tüm bölümler dağıtım sırası düzenine göre yayınlanmıştır. * Victoria Justice, Leon Thomas III, Matt Bennett, Elizabeth Gillies and Ariana Grande were present for all episodes. * Daniella Monet is absent for two episodes. * Avan Jogia is absent for three episodes. } | ProdKodu= 201 | Aux4= 3.9 | KısaÖzet= Sikowitz gets Tori an audition for a movie. Although she doesn't get the part, she is instead casted as a stunt double after lying on her résumé and also because she looks too much like the lead actor. Tori must now perform a stunt involving jumping 40 feet off a platform, or risk getting blackballed in Hollywood. She is too frightened to do it and she keeps stalling, so Beck dresses up as Tori to pretend that he is her and does the fall instead. At the end Tori decides she does want to do the fall to prove she is not a wimp, but she is scared again, so Jade pushes her off making her fall down. Cat dresses up in random costumes that she made in her costume design class. Absent:Daniella Monet as Trina Vega | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 210 | Aux4= 4.0 | KısaÖzet= When Tori is stuck being Trina's assistant after losing a bet they made when they were little kids, she and her friends try to win a private concert from Ke$ha by finding all the letters to Ke$ha under ice cream cartons as a way to free Tori from Trina. They have all the letters except from the $ in Ke$ha so they get it from a little boy but he says that Tori, Jade and Cat must kiss him. In the end Tori locks the little boy outside. Special Guest Stars:Ke$ha as herself and Louis Sebert as Kid Songs featured:Blow | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 205 | Aux4= 4.2 | KısaÖzet= Tori and Jade compete with each other for the lead role in a play "Steamboat Suzy" and is won by Tori. But when Robbie is rushed to the hospital, Tori jeopardizes her role to give him blood. Jade makes relentless attempts to keep Tori from showing up for the play. Meanwhile, Trina practices her hacking and coughing for the role of a sick girl in the play, but ends up getting tuberculosis after going with Tori to the hospital. Absent:Avan Jogia as Beck Oliver Songs Featured: The Captain is She | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 211 | Aux4= 3.6 | KısaÖzet= Tori decides to throw a prom at Hollywood Arts. Jade is furious to find out that Tori booked the prom on the same night as her art project and refuses to switch it, so she decides to ruin the prom as revenge. Robbie thinks Cat is lying about having a date to the prom after she turns him down. Trina asks Sinjin to rig the prom queen election so she can win, while in turn she promises to be his date to the prom. Andre's new kissing-obsessed girlfriend is driving him crazy. Guest Star:Tristin Mays as Sherry Absent: Avan Jogia as Beck Oliver Songs Featured: Best Friend's Brother Note: Jade mentioned that Hollywood Arts never hosted a prom, but in the first episode Rex said that Cat got rejected at prom last year. | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 203-204 | Aux4= 5.2 | KısaÖzet= Tori and the gang are offered a week-long trip to Festus' home country of Yerba to perform for the chancellor. Their vacation is not at all like they expected, with prisoners breaking into their hotel, nasty living conditions and Andre being bitten by a vampire moth, but the gang is forced to stay and put on a show for the chancellor. However, due to a "shoe malfunction" (Tori's shoe slips off and hits the chancellor in the eye), Tori is sentenced to four years in jail for assault. The rest of the gang follows suit when trying to bail Tori out (Robbie accidentally murders the chancellor's octopus). They have a rough time in prison until Sikowitz disguises himself as an Yerbanian prison guard and, while watching Cat teach her prison gang how to dance, Tori devises a plan with another woman to sneak out of prison. Songs Featured: "All I Want is Everything", "I Want You Back" by Jackson 5 | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 202 | Aux4= 4.4 | KısaÖzet= Principal Eikner resigns as principal of Hollywood Arts. Helen (from Drake & Josh) is hired as the new principal and decides to have every student re-audition in order for them to stay in the school. Despite a stellar audition with Andre, Tori is rejected, and the group tries to find a way to change Helen's mind about rejecting Tori. Special Guest Star:Yvette Nicole Brown as Helen Song Featured: "Make it Shine Remix" | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 208 | Aux4= 4.7 | KısaÖzet= Tori directs a play and is forced to cast Trina as the lead. On opening night, Trina's harness breaks and she falls, and the set crashes down on her. Questions then arise about whether the mishap was truly an accident—or intentional. Lane finds out that the harness had been cut, and calls Jade, Andre, Tori, Cat, Robbie and Rex into his office to try to figure out what really happened. Absent: Avan Jogia as Beck Oliver Note: Despite Helen from Drake & Josh appearing as a character in the episode "Helen Back Again", Cat recalls a flashback of Tori and Trina working at a sushi factory (a scene from Drake & Josh is shown while she is talking), but Andre mentions that it never really happened and it was from a TV show, to which Tori says Drake & Josh. Nathan Kress made a cameo appearance as part of the audience in Tori's play. B.F. Wang's, the restaurant where Andre met Keeko, is a parody of P.F. Chang's. | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 206 | Aux4= 3.8 | KısaÖzet= Its Sikowitz's 10 year anniversary teaching at Hollywood Arts, and Tori and the gang celebrate by taking him to a play. But things go awry when Sikowitz becomes depressed after watching the play and Tori feels guilty and tries to fix it. Meanwhile, Trina tries to impress a boy she likes by pretending to be a pizza delivery girl, and Beck and Jade are text-fighting. | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 207 | Aux4= 3.4 | KısaÖzet= Andre develops a crush on Jade after they work together on a song and Tori tries to help him get over it. Also Robbie tries to help Tori prepare for the Tech Theatre exam she must take and pass in order to take an R&B singing class, and Cat becomes obsessed with Jupiter boots. Absent: Daniella Monet as Trina Vega Song Featured: "365 Days" | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 212 | Aux4= 3.4 | KısaÖzet= Sikowitz gets Tori and the gang to build a float for a parade that his new girlfriend is planning. After finishing the float, the group is stranded in a dangerous part of town when the float gets a flat tire on the way to the parade. | LineColor= 800080 }} | ProdKodu= 213 | Aux4= N/A | KısaÖzet= This episode features bloopers and outtakes of all of the cast ever since the series began. | LineColor= 800080 }} |}
Sezon 3: 2011–2012
* This season was filmed from October 2, 2011 to February 17, 2012. * Ülkemizde tüm bölümler dağıtım sırası düzenine göre yayınlanmıştır. } | ProdKodu= 302 | Aux4= 3.9 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 307 | Aux4= 3.6 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 303 | Aux4= 3.4 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 304 | Aux4= 3.5 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 305 | Aux4= 3.7 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 306 | Aux4= 4.2 | KısaÖzet= Tori ve Jade arasında süren zorlu ilişkiden Tori artık sıkılmıştır ve bunu düzeltmek için onu popüler bir çin eğlence merkezi olan "Fun and Food"'a davet etmiştir. Bu arada Robbie kızların ilgisini çekebilmek için yeni tarzlar dener, Beck onun öğretmenidir. | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 311 | Aux4= N/A | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 308 | Aux4= 3.2 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 309 | Aux4= 2.4 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 315-316 | Aux4= 3.8 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} | ProdKodu= 310 | Aux4= 3.8 | KısaÖzet= | LineColor= FF0000 }} |}