

Waldenses tanım:

Kelime: Wal·den·ses
Söyleniş: wol-'den(t)-(")sEz, wäl-
İşlev: noun plural
Kökeni: Middle English Waldensis, from Medieval Latin Waldenses, Valdenses, from Peter Waldo (or Valdo)
: a Christian sect arising in southern France in the 12th century, adopting Calvinist doctrines in the 16th century, and later living chiefly in Piedmont
- Wal·den·sian /-'den(t)-sh&n, -'den(t)-sE-&n/ adjective or noun


İngilizce Waldenses kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Waldenser, kleine christliche Gemeinde ursprünglich aus Süd-Frankreich stammend im 12. Jahrhundert gegründet und während des 16. Jahrhundert die Reformation und die calvinistische Lehre annehmend


İngilizce Waldenses kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. pequena seita cristã originada no sul da França que rompeu com a igreja católica romana no século XII e durante o século XVI e se uniu à Reforma e adotou doutrinas calvinistas


İngilizce Waldenses kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. Vaudois, kleine Christelijke sekte uit zuiden van Frankrijk afkomstig dat met de Rooms Katholieke Kerk in de 12e eeuw ontstond en gedurende de 16e eeuw zich bij de Reformatie voegde en de Calvinistische leerregels aannam


n. Vaudois, small Christian sect that originated in southern France that arose with the Roman Catholic Church in the 12th and during the 16th joined the Reformation and adopted Calvinist doctrines