

1. anlamı sıkıntı, yük; dirhem; ağır cisim; gerilme gücü; katmak, weight lifter halterci, by weight tartıcarry weight it; itibar, önem, tesir, ehemmiyet, nüfuz; istatistik bağıl değer; vezin, tartı; i, ağırlık, siklet; ağırlık vermek, yüklemek.
2. anlamı ağırlık. tartı. halter. önem. değer. sıkıntı. yük. tartmak. ölçmek. üzerine ağırlık koymak. ağırlaştırmak.


Weight tanım:

Kelime: weight
Söyleniş: 'wAt
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English wight, weght, from Old English wiht; akin to Old Norse vætt weight, Old English wegan to weigh
1 a : the amount that a thing weighs b (1) : the standard or established amount that a thing should weigh (2) : one of the classes into which contestants in a sports event are divided according to body weight (3) : poundage required to be carried by a horse in a handicap race
2 a : a quantity or thing weighing a fixed and usually specified amount b : a heavy object (as a metal ball) thrown, put, or lifted as an athletic exercise or contest
3 a : a unit of weight or mass -- see METRIC SYSTEM table b : a piece of material (as metal) of known specified weight for use in weighing articles c : a system of related units of weight
4 a : something heavy : LOAD b : a heavy object to hold or press something down or to counterbalance
5 a : BURDEN, PRESSURE b : the quality or state of being ponderous c : CORPULENCE
6 a : relative heaviness : MASS b : the force with which a body is attracted toward the earth or a celestial body by gravitation and which is equal to the product of the mass and the local gravitational acceleration
7 a : the relative importance or authority accorded something b : measurable influence especially on others
8 : overpowering force
9 : the quality (as lightness) that makes a fabric or garment suitable for a particular use or season -- often used in combination summer-weight
10 : a numerical coefficient assigned to an item to express its relative importance in a frequency distribution
11 : the degree of thickness of the strokes of a type character
[weight table]


İngilizce Weight kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. peso; pesa, romana; pesas, halteras
v. cargar


İngilizce Weight kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. poids; charge; force; importance, influence
v. grossir; devenir lourd; se peser; donner de la valeur à; attribuer un poids statistique à


İngilizce Weight kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Gewicht; Gewichte; Schwere; Last, Bürde, Belastung; Wichtigkeit, Einfluß, Gewichtigkeit
v. belasten; beschweren; gewichten


İngilizce Weight kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. peso; quantità, pesata; piombino; onere, carico; (fig) importanza; influenza, autorità; categoria di peso; pesantezza
v. appesantire, rendere pesante; (fig) opprimere, gravare; (Tess) caricare; immergere in un bagno di sali di stagno; (Equit) assegnare un handicap a; (Statist) ponderare


İngilizce Weight kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. peso; objeto pesado; gravidade; carga, sobrecarga; importância, influência


f. ağırlık yapmak, yüklemek, ağırlaştırmak, gramajını artırmak
i. ağırlık, tartma, tartı, etki, yük, sıkıntı, önem, itibar, siklet, gülle


İngilizce Weight kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. weegschaal; gewicht; gewicht(en), gewicht(jes) (om mee te wegen); vracht; een zware vracht (figuratief gesproken); belang; invloed; zwaartepunt
ww. bezwaren, belasten, zwaarder maken


n. heaviness, amount something weighs; unit of weight or mass; object which weighs a given amount and is used in weightlifting; heavy physical load; mental burden, pressure; importance, influence
v. load with additional weight, add weight to; oppress, burden; regard, esteem; ascribe statistical weight to