

1. anlamı hızlı hareket etmek; kamçılamak döndürmek çırpmak fırlatmak, f kamçı ile dövmek veya vurmak; oltayı tekrar tekrar suyun yuzeyine fırlatmak; kamçı gibi vurmak; azarlamak, paylamak; bas- tır; kamçı, kırbaç, kırbaçlamak, kamçılamak, parlamentoda parti d.
2. anlamı kırbaç. kamçı. kırbaçlamak. kamçılamak. parlamentoda parti denetçisi.


Whip tanım:

Kelime: whip
Söyleniş: 'hwip, 'wip
İşlev: verb
Türleri: whipped; whip·ping
Kökeni: Middle English wippen, whippen; akin to Middle Dutch wippen to move up and down, sway, Old English wIpian to wipe
transitive senses
1 : to take, pull, snatch, jerk, or otherwise move very quickly and forcefully whipped out his gun -- Green Peyton
2 a (1) : to strike with a slender lithe implement (as a lash or rod) especially as a punishment (2) : SPANK b : to drive or urge on by or as if by using a whip c : to strike as a lash does rain whipped the pavement
3 a : to bind or wrap (as a rope or fishing rod) with cord for protection and strength b : to wind or wrap around something
4 : to belabor with stinging words : ABUSE
5 : to seam or hem with shallow overcasting stitches
6 : to overcome decisively : DEFEAT
7 : to stir up : INCITE -- usually used with up trying to whip up a new emotion -- Ellen Glasgow
8 : to produce in a hurry -- usually used with up a sketch... an artist might whip up -- N.Y. Times
9 : to fish (water) with rod, line, and artificial lure
10 : to beat (as eggs or cream) into a froth with a utensil (as a whisk or fork)
11 : to gather together or hold together for united action in the manner of a party whip
intransitive senses
1 : to proceed nimbly or quickly whipping through the supper dishes -- C. B. Davis
2 : to thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash a flag... whipping out from its staff -- H. A. Calahan
- whip·per noun
- whip into shape : to bring forcefully to a desired state or condition


İngilizce Whip kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. látigo, azote, chirrión, coyunda, flagelo, látigo para azotar, rebenque, zurriaga, zurriago
v. batir, mezclar rápidamente; dar latigazos, afuetear, apalear, azotar, dar una paliza a, flagelar, zamarrear, zurrar, zurriagar; fustigar


İngilizce Whip kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. fouet; cravache; mousse aux oeufs; appel au vote
v. fouetter; recevoir le fouet; battre (oeufs, crème); pêcher


İngilizce Whip kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Peitsche; Schuß; Fraktionsgeschäftsführer; Schneebesen, Eierschaum; Einpeitscher; Pikör
v. peitschen, auspeitschen; schlagen; entreißen; entführen; versammeln; schlagen; fischen; umwickeln


İngilizce Whip kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. frusta, sferza, staffile; frustata, sferzata, staffilata; (fig) cocchiere; (Dolc) dessert a base d'ingredienti montati; (Parl) convocazione a una seduta parlamentare; capogruppo parlamentare; pala
v. frustare, fustigare, sferzare; colpire con forza; tirare con un gesto rapido; lanciare a grande velocità; far muovere, spingere con la frusta; (fam) sconfiggere, sbaragliare, dare una bella batosta a


İngilizce Whip kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. chicote; cicatriz feita por chicote ou semelhante à feita por chicote; creme chantilly, creme batido, creme de ovos; batedeira para fazer cremes; convite ao voto, convocação à votação
v. chicotear, açoitar; fazer creme batido, fazer creme chantilly; espumar; remover com força; movimentar-se com a rapidez de uma chicotada; congregar; pescar; derrotar; atar


f. kamçılamak, kırbaçlamak, dövmek, çırpmak, kafasına sokmak, zorla öğretmek, yenmek, kapmak, olta atmak, teyellemek, bastırmak (kumaş), çevirmek, döndürmek (topaç vb.), dolamak (ip), çalmak, aşırmak, fırlamak, dalgalanmak (bayrak vb.)
i. kamçı, kırbaç, kamçılama, av köpeklerini idare eden kimse, parti denetçisi, parti disiplini bildirisi, makara, teyel, kitap dikişi, çırpma teli, çırpılmış yiyecek


İngilizce Whip kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. zweep; zweepslag; striem; slagroom; schuim, eierschuim; verkiezings oproep; het verzamelen van jachthonden; molenwiek, rijs, twijg
ww. met de zweep slaan; slaan; doen schuimen; klappen krijgen; snelle beweging; verzamelen; verlies lijden; vissen; binden


n. switch, rod; lash of a whip; object resembling a whip; one who keeps the order in a legislative body; call to vote; instrument for whipping eggs; dish made of whipped egg whites; quality of flexibility (Sports)
v. strike with a whip, lash, flog; cause to become frothy, beat (of egg whites, cream, etc.); snatch; move suddenly, jerk; defeat; bind

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