

1. anlamı sağalmış, sağ, iyi, sağlam, iyileşmiş; kül, tüm, bütün; sonuna kadar uğraşmak, go the whole hog bir işi tam yapmak, whole blood bütün kan, whole mi, şişe kanı, whole hog bir şeyin bütünü, toplam; bütün, s, tüm, tam; tam şey.
2. anlamı bütünlük.
3. anlamı tamlik. bütünlük.


Wholeness İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Wholeness anlamları

  1. (noun) The quality or state of being whole, entire, or sound; entireness; totality; completeness.

Wholeness tanım:

Kelime: whole
Söyleniş: 'hOl
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English hool healthy, unhurt, entire, from Old English hAl; akin to Old High German heil healthy, unhurt, Old Norse heill, Old Church Slavonic celu
1 a (1) : free of wound or injury : UNHURT (2) : recovered from a wound or injury : RESTORED (3) : being healed whole of an ancient evil, I sleep sound -- A. E. Housman b : free of defect or impairment : INTACT c : physically sound and healthy : free of disease or deformity d : mentally or emotionally sound
2 : having all its proper parts or components : COMPLETE, UNMODIFIED whole milk a whole egg
3 a : constituting the total sum or undiminished entirety : ENTIRE owns the whole island b : each or all of the took part in the whole series of athletic events
4 a : constituting an undivided unit : UNBROKEN, UNCUT a whole roast suckling pig b : directed to one end : CONCENTRATED promised to give it his whole attention
5 a : seemingly complete or total the whole idea is to help, not hinder b : very great in quantity, extent, or scope feels a whole lot better now
6 : constituting the entirety of a person's nature or development educate the whole student
7 : having the same father and mother whole brother
synonym see PERFECT
- whole·ness noun
synonyms WHOLE, ENTIRE, TOTAL, ALL mean including everything or everyone without exception. WHOLE implies that nothing has been omitted, ignored, abated, or taken away read the whole book . ENTIRE may suggest a state of completeness or perfection to which nothing can be added the entire population was wiped out . TOTAL implies that everything has been counted, weighed, measured, or considered the total number of people present . ALL may equal WHOLE, ENTIRE, or TOTAL all proceeds go to charity .

Wholeness ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Integrity, Unity,


İngilizce Wholeness kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. totalidad, integridad


İngilizce Wholeness kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. totalité, intégralité, le tout, l'ensemble; bonne condition, santé, équilibre


İngilizce Wholeness kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Ganzheit


İngilizce Wholeness kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. interezza, completezza


İngilizce Wholeness kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. totalidade; globalidade; perfeição; qualidade do que é completo


i. tamlık, bütünlük, sağlamlık


İngilizce Wholeness kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. volledigheid, volkomenheid


n. state of being whole or unbroken; healthiness; soundness