William E. Paden

Kısaca: Karşılaştırmalı Din bilimci.Lisansını felsefe dalında yaptıktan sonra Claremont Graduate University'de karşılaştırmalı dinler alanında yüksek lisans ve doktora çalışmaları yaptı. Paden halen Vermont Üniversitesi öğretim görevlisidir. ...devamı ☟

Karşılaştırmalı Din bilimci. Lisansını felsefe dalında yaptıktan sonra Claremont Graduate University'de karşılaştırmalı dinler alanında yüksek lisans ve doktora çalışmaları yaptı. Paden halen Vermont Üniversitesi öğretim görevlisidir.

Kitap ve Makaleleri

* Religious Worlds: The Comparative Study of Religion * Interpreting the Sacred: Ways of Viewing Religion * "Reappraising Durkheim for the Study and Teaching of Religion," in Peter Clarke, ed., The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion (Oxford Univ. Press, 2008), 31-47 * "Connecting with Evolutionary Models: New Patterns in Comparative Religion?,” in Willi Braun and Russell T. McCutcheon, eds., Introducing Religion: Essays in Honour of Jonathan Z. Smith (Equinox, 2008), 406-417 * “Comparative Religion in the State of Nature,” in Wilson and Light, eds., Religion as a Human Capacity (Brill, 2004), 121-133; * “Comparative Religion and the Whitehouse Project: Connections and Compatibilities?," in Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 16:3 (2004), 256-265; * "Universals Revisited: Human Behaviors and Cultural Variables," in Numen 48/3 (July, 2001); * "Durkheim's Revenge: Trajectories and Ironies in the American History of Religions Traditions during the Cold War," in I. Dolezalova, L. H. Martin, and D. Papousek, eds., The Academic Study of Religion during the Cold War: East and West (Peter Lang, 2001), 253-266; * "Elements of a New Comparativism," in Patton and Ray, A Magic Still Dwells (2000), 182-192; * "The Concept of World Habitation: Eliadean Linkages with a New Comparativism," in Bryan Rennie, ed., Changing Religious Worlds (SUNY Press, 2000), 249-259; * "World," in Willi Braun and Russell T. McCutcheon, eds., Guide to the Study of Religion (Cassell, 2000), 334-348; * "Religion, World, Plurality," in Mikael Rothstein and Tim Jensen, eds., Secular Theories on Religion: Current Perspectives (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2000), 193-210; * “Sacrality and Worldmaking: New Categorial Perspectives,” in Tore Ahlbäck, ed. Approaching Religion, Part I (Donner Institute, 1999), 165-180; * "Sacrality as Integrity: `Sacred Order' as a Model for Describing Religious Worlds," in Thomas A. Idinopulos and Edward A. Yonan, eds., The Sacred and its Scholars (Brill, 1996), 3-18; * “Before ‘The Sacred’ Became Theological: Durkheim and Reductionism,” in Idinopulos and Yonan, eds. Religion and Reductionism (Brill, 1994), 198-210. * Recent survey articles include “Comparative Religion,” in The Encyclopedia of Religion, 2d edition (2005); * “Comparative Religion,” in The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion, J. Hinnells, ed. (Routledge, 2005), 205-222; and “Comparison in the Study of Religion,” in New Approaches to the Study of Religion, Vol. 2, Antes, Geertz and Warne, eds. (Verlag de Gruyter, 2004), 77-92.

Türkçedeki Kitapları

* Kutsalın Yorumu, Sentez Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2008

Ayrıca bakınız

* Karşılaştırmalı din

