

1. anlamı gizli gizli sokulmak; kurmak dolaşmak; döndürmek; bükülmek; sarmak; çevirmek; wind down yavaslamak, kurma; wind its way dolaşıp gitmek, açmak; sarılmak; geri dönmek; eğrilmek; yolun döndüğü yer, dönemeç; rüzgâr, dolambaçlı ol, boş lâf, osuruk, soluklandı.
2. anlamı rüzgâr. yel. esinti. üfleme. hava. nefes. osuruk. koku. boş lâf. saçmalık. dönemeç. kurma (saat). koklayarak bulmak. kokusunu almak. soluklandırmak. nefes aldırmak. çevirmek. sarmak. dolamak. kıvırmak. döndürmek. kıvrıla kıvrıla gitmek. dolambaçlı ol. rüz.
3. anlamı rüzgâr.


Wind İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Wind anlamları

  1. (noun) The region of the pit of the stomach, where a blow may paralyze the diaphragm and cause temporary loss of breath or other injury; the mark.
  2. (noun) Air or gas generated in the stomach or bowels; flatulence; as, to be troubled with wind.
  3. (v. t.) To expose to the wind; to winnow; to ventilate.
  4. (v. t.) To perceive or follow by the scent; to scent; to nose; as, the hounds winded the game.
  5. (v. t.) To introduce by insinuation; to insinuate.
  6. (v. t.) To drive hard, or force to violent exertion, as a horse, so as to render scant of wind; to put out of breath.
  7. (v. i.) To have a circular course or direction; to crook; to bend; to meander; as, to wind in and out among trees.
  8. (v. t.) To cover or surround with something coiled about; as, to wind a rope with twine.
  9. (v. t.) To entwist; to infold; to encircle.
  10. (noun) A direction from which the wind may blow; a point of the compass; especially, one of the cardinal points, which are often called the four winds.
  11. (v. t.) To blow; to sound by blowing; esp., to sound with prolonged and mutually involved notes.
  12. (v. t.) To have complete control over; to turn and bend at one's pleasure; to vary or alter or will; to regulate; to govern.
  13. (noun) Mere breath or talk; empty effort; idle words.
  14. (v. i.) To turn completely or repeatedly; to become coiled about anything; to assume a convolved or spiral form; as, vines wind round a pole.
  15. (noun) Power of respiration; breath.
  16. (noun) Air impregnated with an odor or scent.
  17. (noun) The act of winding or turning; a turn; a bend; a twist; a winding.
  18. (noun) A disease of sheep, in which the intestines are distended with air, or rather affected with a violent inflammation. It occurs immediately after shearing.
  19. (v. t.) To turn completely, or with repeated turns; especially, to turn about something fixed; to cause to form convolutions about anything; to coil; to twine; to twist; to wreathe; as, to wind thread on a spool or into a ball.
  20. (noun) Air naturally in motion with any degree of velocity; a current of air.
  21. (v. t.) To rest, as a horse, in order to allow the breath to be recovered; to breathe.
  22. (v. i.) To go to the one side or the other; to move this way and that; to double on one's course; as, a hare pursued turns and winds.
  23. (noun) Air artificially put in motion by any force or action; as, the wind of a cannon ball; the wind of a bellows.
  24. (noun) Breath modulated by the respiratory and vocal organs, or by an instrument.
  25. (noun) The dotterel.

Wind tanım:

Kelime: wind
Söyleniş: 'wind, archaic or poetic 'wInd
İşlev: noun
Usage: often attributive
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German wint wind, Latin ventus, Greek aEnai to blow, Sanskrit vAti it blows
1 a : a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally b : an artificially produced movement of air c : SOLAR WIND, STELLAR WIND
2 a : a destructive force or influence b : a force or agency that carries along or influences : TENDENCY, TREND withstood the winds of popular opinion -- Felix Frankfurter
3 a : BREATH 4a b : BREATH 2a c : the pit of the stomach : SOLAR PLEXUS
4 : gas generated in the stomach or the intestines
5 a : compressed air or gas b archaic : AIR
6 : something that is insubstantial: as a : mere talk : idle words b : NOTHING, NOTHINGNESS c : vain self-satisfaction
7 a : air carrying a scent (as of a hunter or game) b : slight information especially about something secret : INTIMATION got wind of the plan
8 a : musical wind instruments especially as distinguished from strings and percussion b plural : players of wind instruments
9 a : a direction from which the wind may blow : a point of the compass; especially : one of the cardinal points b : the direction from which the wind is blowing
- wind·less /-l&s/ adjective
- wind·less·ly adverb
- before the wind : in the same direction as the main force of the wind
- close to the wind : as nearly as possible against the main force of the wind
- have the wind of 1 : to be to windward of 2 : to be on the scent of 3 : to have a superior position to
- in the wind : about to happen : ASTIR, AFOOT change is in the wind
- near the wind 1 : close to the wind 2 : close to a point of danger : near the permissible limit
- off the wind : away from the direction from which the wind is blowing
- on the wind : toward the direction from which the wind is blowing
- to the wind or to the winds : ASIDE, AWAY threw caution to the wind
- under the wind 1 : to leeward 2 : in a place protected from the wind : under the lee

Wind ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Curve, Flatus, Hint, Hoist, Lead, Lift, Meander, Nose, Nothingness, Roll, Scent, Steer, Thread, Tip, Twine, Twist, Wander, Weave, Winding, Wrap, Wreathe,

Wind ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Unroll, Unwind,


İngilizce Wind kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. vent; souffle, respiration, haleine; instruments à vent; vent, gaz; direction, tendance; allusion, rumeur; vapeurs; arrogance
v. essouffler, couper la respiration; aérer; faire faire le rot à (un bébé); tourner, serpenter; dévider
n. vent


İngilizce Wind kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. vento; hálito; sopro; respiração; arrogância; rumor
v. ventilar, arejar; tocar instrumentos de sopro; farejar; tomar alento; tornar a respiração pesada
s. volta, curva; giro; dobra


İngilizce Wind kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. wind; storm; ademhaling; blaasinstrument; wind (laten); tip; praat zonder inhoud; neiging
ww. uit laten luchten; in een blaasinstrument blazen; ruikend zoeken; moeilijk ademen; verademen
zn. wind; windstreek; tocht; lucht, reuk; adem; de blaasinstrumenten; de blazers; doelloos gepraat, gezwets


İngilizce Wind kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. viento, flato, vendaval, ventosidad v. bobinar, dar cuerda a, devanar, enrollar; airear, ventilar; quitar el resuello, dejar sin aliento


İngilizce Wind kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Wind; Sturm; Luftstrom; Witterung; Blähungen; Manschetten/Schiß bekommen (umgspr.); Gerüchte; Geschwätz; Aufregung v. lüften; Blasinstrument blasen; wittern; Atmung behindern; wieder anfangen zu atmen n. Wind; Luftstrom; Druckwelle; Witterung; Blähungen; Bäuerchen (Baby); Pups (salopp); Windung; Umdrehung


İngilizce Wind kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. vento; fiato, respiro; resistenza; (Med) flatulenza; (sl) bocca dello stomaco; (Mus, collett) strumenti a fiato, fiati; (fig) parole vacue, parole vuote; (venat) odore v. sfiatare; ventilare, arieggiare; (venat) fiutare; caricare (un orologio); suonare (uno strumento a fiato) s. giro, avvolgimento; curva


f. çevirmek, sarmak, dolamak, kıvırmak, döndürmek, kıvrıla kıvrıla gitmek, dolambaçlı olmak, açmak (yol), sarılmak, dolanmak, kıvrılmak, bükülmek i. dönemeç, kurma (saat)


Almanca Wind kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
v. turn, coil; twist around, convolute; meander; bind, bandage; be bound; be twisted around; change direction


Flemenkçe Wind kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. wind


n. breeze; direction of the wind; gale; breath; wind instrument (Music); intestinal gas; social or political current; hint; nonsense; conceit v. air out, ventilate; blow a wind instrument; make sound by blowing; search out by smell; cause to be out of breath; catch one´s breath n. act of twisting or turning; bend; curve


Flemenkçe Wind kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(meteorologie) vent (m)


Almanca Wind kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.


Almanca Wind kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. vent (m)


Almanca Wind kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
n. aria (f), peto (m), vento (m), odore (m)


Almanca Wind kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
n. viento (m), husmeo (m), flato (m), ventosidad (f), aire (m)


Almanca Wind kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.
i. rüzgar (m), yel (m), gaz (m)


Portekizce Wind kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
(esportes) planche à voile