
Kısaca: Wolfsheim, adını F. Scott Fitzgerald'ın the Great Gatsby adlı romanındaki kurgusal bir karakterden almış olan Alman synthpop grubudur. ...devamı ☟

Wolfsheim, adını F. Scott Fitzgerald'ın the Great Gatsby adlı romanındaki kurgusal bir karakterden almış olan Alman synthpop grubudur. == Diskografi Albümler * No Happy View (1992) Strange Ways Records * Popkiller (1993) Strange Ways Records * 55578 (1995) Strange Ways Records * Dreaming Apes (1996) Strange Ways Records * Hamburg Rom Wolfsheim (1997) Strange Ways Records * Spectators (1999) Strange Ways Records * Casting Shadows (
) Strange Ways Records


* "The sparrows and the nightingales" (1991) Strange Ways Records * "It's not too late (don't sorrow)" (1992) Strange Ways Records * "Thunderheart" (
) Strange Ways Records * "Now I fall" (1993) Strange Ways Records * "Elias" (1994) Strange Ways Records * "Closer still" (1995) Strange Ways Records * "A new Starsystem has been explored" (1996) Strange Ways Records * "Once in a lifetime" (1998) Strange Ways Records * "It's hurting for the first time" (1998) Strange Ways Records * "Künstliche Welten" (1999) Strange Ways Records * "Sleep somehow" (1999) Strange Ways Records * "Kein Zurück" (2003) Strange Ways Records * "Find you're here" (2003) Strange Ways Records * "Blind 2004" (2004) Strange Ways Records


* "Ken Manage" (1988) * "Any but pretty" (1989)

